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"I remember, in particular, starting up in bed one sleepless night as there flashed into my head the meaning of her last words: 'There was no other way'; the phrase I had half-smiled at at the time, as a parrot-like echo of the novel-heroine's stock farewell. I had never, up to that moment, wholly understood why Paulina had come to my house that night.

"Shall I have the men of God pray for you?" She looked about curiously, half-smiled, and said, "I see none here." "Will you have the people pray for you?" "Yes; I want all the people to pray for me!" Again the light was shut out from her eyes, this time forever. Her hands were bound behind her with thongs that cut into her wrists, her feet were tied. She reeled, and the Reverend Mr.

When the dying man was told this, he said: "Give them my greetings I am grateful. I have forgiven it all, and would have forgotten it, save for this." Here he paused, and was silent. After some moments, he opened his eyes, half-smiled, and motioning to Labouchere to come close, whispered: "But, Labby, the past can not be wiped out by a resolution of Parliament.

Through the tears which still blinded his own eyes, Austin half-smiled, remembering how he had longed to kiss her as he carried her home, rejoicing that his conscience no longer needed to stand like an iron barrier between his lips and hers.

Then let us send the insistent I to sleep, and let us keep it slumbering." He half-smiled as he finished. There had been something slightly whimsical about his final words, about his manner and himself when he said them. Silence and the fog, and Rosamund walking homewards with her hands deep in her muff.

You will see that, although she was proud of me, it was the pride of ignorance. This is what our clergyman, Mr. Walker, says, and he is right." Franks read the few words of the postscript. "I suppose he is right," he answered. He looked full at the girl and half-smiled. "It would be extremely successful if you would do a paper in a totally different tone," he said; "could you not try?"

But to the mind of the Rector they expressed something foreign, they were part of a place that was condemned and lost. He began to think of the young girl who, in her innocence, had half-smiled at him. Why did she not smile? Was she afraid? Of what was she afraid? What evil thing had come between her and that impulse of youth? Some consciousness of what? The Rector sighed.

"Why, according to his report, fortune has smiled, or half-smiled, as the novelists say, upon him. He has found a berth on another line of cattle-steamers, where they don't require a deposit as a guarantee of good faith.

She looked at each face a long time; her mouth half-smiled, half-pouted at them. She didn't hand on the photographs to you, but laid them down on the sofa, one by one, as if you were not there. A youngish woman in a black silk gown; Mrs. Robertson, the Colonel's wife. A girl in a white frock; Mrs. Dicky Carter, she had nursed Mark through his fever.

He thought of it, watching, through his cold, gray eyes, how all the fresh morning told it, it was in the very air; thinking how its echo stole through the whole world, how innumerable children's voices told it in eager laughter, how even the lowest slave half-smiled, on waking, to think it was Christmas-day, the day that Christ was born.