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"Neither of us, sir, formed any conclusion. But we both thought that the letter emanated from some member of the opposition." "Did Mr. Wallingford take it as a serious threat?" Epplewhite looked doubtful. "I scarcely know," he said. "He seemed half-minded about it. To regard it, you know, as half a joke and half serious. But I feel certain that he knew he had enemies who might become well, deadly.

She made mysteries out of everything, out of himself, Terry and even her sister's portrait. She never gave him a complete answer to any question. She surrounded herself with the atmosphere of a detective novel. He was half-minded to rush into the hall and make good his escape before she involved him further. Sir Tobias could come and conduct his own unpleasantness.

Indeed, the hopelessness of any effort toward rediscovering her had been one of his reasons for hurrying away from New York. He knew himself a little and that quality of unreasoning persistence which other people called his strong point. The search he had been half-minded to make once begun "I hope you haven't forgotten me so soon, Mr. Ford," she was saying; and he recovered himself with a start.

She was half-minded to go into the house and tell her mother all about it, repeat that miserable little dialogue between herself and Jerome, which was troubling her so, and let her decide as to whether she had been lacking in hospitality or not, and give her advice. But she could not quite bring herself to do that.

The case, so stated, is reasonable; but there is the per contra that whatever the motive with which the name is used, it is now tacked to half a dozen conflicting forms of doctrine, varying loosely between Theism and Pantheism. The name of Atheist escapes that drawback. Its unpopularity has saved it from half-hearted and half-minded patronage.

She was half-minded to rise abruptly and surprise the Countess, as the Countess had surprised her; to ask why she had come, and to show that she was not welcome. But if Madalena were here at Knight's invitation she would stay. There would be a scene perhaps. The thought was revolting. Annesley lay still; and in the distance she heard the throbbing of a motor.

Did you see he had a lady with him?" "No, what was she like?" "I only caught the briefest glimpse besides, she was heavily veiled and seemed to be asleep " "Asleep!" exclaimed Anthony fiercely. "Asleep! By God, Perry, I'm half-minded to wait until that damned chaise comes up and see for myself." "I beg you will do no such thing!" said I, abhorring the idea of violence and possible bloodshed.

"One of them kind we wonst run acrost when the Cap. turned us adrift on an island, jest to waller in green grass!" "Don't you want it?" said the child. He extended a great, coarse hand hesitatingly, as if half-minded to and half-minded not to touch the white finger-tips. "You ain't afraid?"

The answer took my breath: "Pretty soon after I looked at him through that knot-hole, w'en you had put something in his w'isky, you derned Borgia!" Recovering somewhat from my surprise at this astounding charge, I was half-minded to throttle the audacious accuser, but was restrained by a sudden conviction that came to me in the light of a revelation.

Pawle, after glancing at his desk-diary. "And tomorrow morning," remarked Viner, "Hyde comes up before the magistrate again, on remand." He was half-minded to tell Mr. Pawle there and then of his secret dealings with Methley that day, but on reflection he decided that he would keep the matter to himself. Viner had an idea which he had not communicated even to Methley.