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"God bless us!" repeated Mr. Halfpenny. "I judge from that, then but you had better show me this document." Mr. Tertius at once produced the will, and Mr. Halfpenny, rising from his chair, marched across the room to one of the windows where he solemnly half-chanted every word from start to finish.

The owners of this now valuable copyright allow me to irradiate my prose with three of the verses. 'Ah! what, half-chanted, half-crooned the poet 'Ah! what a garden is your hair! Such treasure as the kings of old, In coffers of the beaten gold, Laid up on earth and left it there.

Thus they walked at once in the two blended worlds of the moonlight and the tale, while Richard half-chanted the music-speech of the most musical of poets, telling of the roaring wind that the mariner did not feel, of the flags of electric light, of the dances of the wan stars, of the sighing of the sails, of the star-dogged moon, and the torrent-like falls of the lightning down the mountainous cloud for so Barbara, who had seen two or three tropical thunder-storms, explained to Richard the lightning which

The hymn being rehearsed, or rather half-chanted, in a little singing voice, Graham would take exceptions at the manner, and proceed to give a lesson in recitation. She was quick in learning, apt in imitating; and, besides, her pleasure was to please Graham: she proved a ready scholar.

The music of the cable on the drum, the voice of some one in authority calling "Cobra cobra," to the natives in the tank, and their monotonous "Sigi do sigi do," half-sung, half-chanted, seemed an integral part of the day's beauty.

The boys learned this, and half-chanted, half-sang it over and over while they all kept time to the rhythm. "There's Shottery, I guess!" Betty called, interrupting the singers, as she caught sight of a pretty little group of thatched-roofed cottages. "It seems a very short 'mile-a, doesn't it!"

They next chanted the 'Amen, and half-chanted the Lord's Prayer, and finished with what she called 'one of the new fanciful English hymns 'If I come to Jesus. Then very simply and sweetly she commended us all to the Father's love and care." Long talks, often prolonged into the night, would follow.

They talked much about themselves ... one thing, however, we all held in common ... our innocence ... we were all innocent ... every one of us was innocent of the crime charged against us ... we were just being persecuted. That afternoon a negro preacher, short and squat, who, innocent, was yet being held for Grand Jury, delivered us a fearful half-chanted sermon on the Judgment Day.

Above all arose wild rice he had planted for the birds. The red wings swayed on the willows and tilted on every stem that would bear their weight, singing their melodious half-chanted notes, "O-ka-lee!"