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'Oh, yes, replied Berry. 'Hello, Jack, he said to the girl. 'Got owt to grizzle about? 'What for? she asked, in a clear, half-challenging voice, that had that peculiar twang, almost petulant, so female and so attractive. Yet she was defiant like a boy. 'It's a wonder if you haven't, growled Sutton.

Also he valued himself for that a favorite dish with him was raw meat chopped fine with peppers and oil. Storri's education which was wide did not suffice to cover up in him the barbarian, videlicet, the Tartar which was wider; and when a trifle uplifted of drink, it was his habit to brag profoundly in purring, snarling, half-challenging tones.

The line reaching to a dimple from the upper lip was saved from scornfulness by the lovely gleam, half-challenging, half-consoling, regal, roguish what you would that sat between her dark eyelashes, like white sunlight on the fringed smooth roll of water by a weir.

When Captain Jack and the filly saw Carolyn June they stood for a moment as rigid as though cast in bronze, heads held high, eyes fixed curiously yet without fear on the slender girlish figure. Captain Jack took a step forward in a half-challenging way. The maverick stood perfectly still. "You beauty," the girl repeated, "you wonderful golden beauty!

The line reaching to a dimple from the upper lip was saved from scornfulness by the lovely gleam, half-challenging, half-consoling, regal, roguish what you would that sat between her dark eyelashes, like white sunlight on the fringed smooth roll of water by a weir.

But his head was bent again in that curious attitude of listening; and after a moment he made an almost imperceptible gesture of acquiescence, and turned to her with the old, easy, half-impudent, half-challenging air. "Gray has a butterfly in his collection which shows four distinct forms.

Half-challenging, half-coy, she eyed him over her fan. "A guess? Nay, madame. I might affront your Majesty." "How so?" "If I were deluded by appearances. If I named a subject who signally enjoys your royal favour." "You mean Lord Robert Dudley." She paled a little, and her bosom's heave was quickened. "Why should the guess affront me?"