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Perhaps I'll drive her over, if I can." "He was the coolest !" Susan said, half-annoyed, half-admiring, to Mary Lou, late that night. The boarding-house had been pleasantly fluttered by the departure of the bride, Mrs. Lancaster, in spite of herself, had enjoyed the little distinction of being that personage's mother. "Well, she'll be back again in a week!" Virginia, missing her sister, sighed.

Sure you don't want me to row you in?" The boat was alluring, but my pride was touched. "Quite sure," I answered. "I'm as fresh as the trout round my waist. Thanks all the same." "All right! Guess I was foolish. You ain't a man; you're a porpoise." With this half-annoyed sally, she swung the bow of the boat and rowed away. An Informative Visitor

Lady Cecilia, half-annoyed yet ever good-natured, carried her complaisance so far as to consult the catalogue and book-shelves sundry times in one hour; but she was not famous for patience, and she soon resigned him to a better friend Helen, the most indefatigable of book-hunters.

He waited a moment, half-startled, half-annoyed at their intrusion, then groped his way after them, eventually stumbling out of the tunnel's mouth. And, as he descended the incline again, he became aware of other couples standing about in the shadows, within alcoves of the cliff, or seated on the grassy slope just outside the wooden hand-rail. In his first abstraction he had overlooked these.

He was half-sympathetic over her apparent misery, half-annoyed. Cicily, with the intuitive sensitiveness of a woman to recognize a lover's hostile feeling beneath the spoken words, was acutely conscious of the annoyance; she ignored the modicum of sympathy.

But the window was empty; Eric had taken himself off, and with a pout she resumed her work. She saw Eric no more till Sunday afternoon, after the banns had been called the third time, when he came up to her before all the people with an air of proprietorship which half-pleased and half-annoyed her. 'Not yet, mister! she said, pushing him away, as the other girls giggled.

The citizens rose, and Ludwig shook hands with them most politely, putting on a look which was half-pleased, half-annoyed, when they expressed at parting their regret for his mishap. "You are always getting me into hot water with your want of tact," he said.

Helen said he was harrowing on the other side of the rise, and Sadie, getting down, signed to Charnock. "Put the team in the stable, and then go and look for Festing. Don't come back too soon." Then she came towards the house and Helen felt half-annoyed and half-amused. Stephen did not like to be disturbed when he was busy, and she knew what he thought of Bob.

For the rest well, she liked ease and luxury; above all, ease. Of that she would certainly make no sacrifice. How well he could imagine the half-annoyed, half-contemptuous smile which would rise to her beautiful face, if he were so foolish as to become sentimental with her! That, he felt, would be a look not easy to bear. Humiliation he dreaded.

Gila stared at her haughtily a moment, but there wasn't much satisfaction in wasting her glares on that white-linen back, so she stooped and dragged in the box. She came and stood by the bed, staring down apprizingly at the sick girl. Bonnie Brentwood turned her head wearily and looked up at her with a puzzled, half-annoyed expression. She had paid no heed to the little altercation at the door.