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If any man calls my honor in question, I have but one answer for him." The trader cowered at this, and in a somewhat lower tone said that "it was plaguy hard on a fellow, that had made a fair bargain, to be gulled that way." "Mr. Haley," said Mr.

"Maybe he'll come to a better conclusion regarding Nelson Haley." "I don't care who stole the coins. We want 'em back," growled the druggist, preparing to lock them all out. The trio separated on the corner. Hopewell was greatly depressed as he walked on with Janice Day. "I I hope that Amarilla will not hear of this evening's performance. I declare!

The woman opened to him the door of a little parlor, covered with a rag carpet, where stood a table with a very shining black oil-cloth, sundry lank, high-backed wood chairs, with some plaster images in resplendent colors on the mantel-shelf, above a very dimly-smoking grate; a long hard-wood settle extended its uneasy length by the chimney, and here Haley sat him down to meditate on the instability of human hopes and happiness in general.

"Dot any tandy?" came in childish accents from another of the stowaways. The girls looked at one another in surprise. Then a light dawned on them. "Don't have us arrested!" pleaded another voice, with laughter in it. "That's Will!" cried Grace. "And Frank Haley!" added Amy. "And Paul!" spoke Mollie. "Little brother, are you in there?" They listened for the answer. "Ess, I'se here.

And, anyway, there wasn't a chance for him to get at the coins. He was with the committee all the time they was out of the room." "And are they sure Mr. Haley was in there?" asked Aunt 'Mira. "He admits it," Marty said gloomily. "I don't know what's going to come of it all " "Hush!" said Uncle Jason suddenly. "Shut that door." But it was too late, Janice had heard all.

If you or Shelby wants to chase us, look where the partridges was last year; if you find them or us, you're quite welcome." "O, wal, certainly, jest let it go at that," said Haley, alarmed; "you catch the boy for the job; you allers did trade far with me, Tom, and was up to yer word."

On it, in the afterglow of a certain sunset, Nelson Haley had told her how the college at Millhampton had invited him to join its faculty, and he had asked her if she approved of his course in Polktown.

By Uncle Jason's advice, too, Nelson had put off engaging a lawyer in Middletown to come over to defend the young man in Judge Little's court. "And well he did wait, too," declared Mr. Day, very much pleased with his own shrewdness. "That would have meant a twenty dollar note. Now it don't cost Mr. Haley a cent."

Haley's statements could seldom be relied on, but his untruth fulness was never a matter of self-interest, but rather of amiability. He desired to tell you whatever you desired to know, and to tell it as you would like to hear it, even if facts were so perverse as to be contrary. One day I wanted to do an errand in the village, and called for the horse and carriage. Haley brought them to the door.

"What have you to say, Robert?" asked the merchant. "Captain Haley knows very well the falsehood of what he says," said our hero, calmly. "It was not at Calcutta I left the Argonaut, nor was it of my own accord. Captain Haley, with his own hands, tied me to a tree on a small island in the Southern Ocean, and there left me, as he supposed, to a solitary death.