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When this happened, Peer would shut his lips close, with a queer expression, look at the machine for a moment, and swallow something in his throat. The man who had stolen this thing from him and bettered it by a hairsbreadth was doubtless a millionaire by now on the strength of it. It cost him something of an effort to take these repairs in hand, but he bowed his head and set to.

At last the cotton passes so close to the eye of the needle that she says "I have done it now!" 'Not so, though she was scarcely a hairsbreadth off; but still she must begin again.

I could feel thick colloid bosses before my eyes, but I stood in absolute darkness. 'To save the sight, he explained, and pushed me on to the chart-room divan. 'You will see in a minute. As he spoke I became aware of a thin thread of almost intolerable light, let down from heaven at an immense distance one vertical hairsbreadth of frozen lightning.

It was a large, luxurious car, and pounded along with tremendous speed, swerving at the bottom of the declivity with so sharp a curve as to threaten an instant overturn, but, escaping this imminent peril by almost a hairsbreadth, it dashed onward straight ahead in a cloud of dust that for two or three minutes entirely blurred and darkened the air.

What do hundreds of us do with our knowledge of Christianity? Our minds seem built in watertight compartments, and we keep the doors of them shut very close, so that truths in the understanding have no influence on the will. Many of you believe the Gospel intellectually, and it does not make a hairsbreadth of difference to anything that you ever either thought or wished or did.

For the successful creation of type, that power in which Balzac is akin to Shakespeare, it is necessary that a coherent whole shall be formed, and that the full scope of a character shall be realised, with its infinite possibilities on its own plane, and its impotence to move a hairsbreadth on to another.

Petersburg to Moscow, and he took up a ruler and drew a straight line upon the chart, and said, 'There; that is the course. There is a straight road marked out for us all, going, like the old Roman roads, irrespective of physical difficulties in the contour of the country, climbing right over Alps if necessary, and plunging down into the deepest valleys, never deflecting one hairsbreadth, but going straight to its aim.

Frank King followed Madge, and it was most extraordinary how she was always missing by a hairsbreadth, and leaving balls over pockets. 'What do you mean, Madge? Mr. Tom protested. 'Why didn't you put the white ball in and go into baulk? 'I don't play Whitechapel, said Madge, proudly.

It has already been remarked in these pages that he was pre-eminently one of those men whose expanding opinions never alter by a hairsbreadth the actual ground-plan of their moral sense. Browning would have felt the same things right and the same things wrong, whatever views he had held.

The warnings were vague, and so the more impressive. Fear has a vivid imagination, and anticipates the worst. Paul was not afraid, but he would not have been human if he had not recognised the short distance for him between a prison and a scaffold. But the prospect did not turn him a hairsbreadth from his course.