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In the main, however," he continued, "I allus aim to write in a cheerful, comfortin' sperit, so's ef the stuff hangs fire, and don't do no good, it hain't a-goin' to do no harm, and them's my honest views on poetry."

"Arter they'd got through with their fun, they set me to work and kept me at it, till I finally got away from 'em; though they treated me well enough after the first few days. When I got into Phantom Hill, the officers there told me, that they treated me as they always did all their prisoners. I had enough to eat, such as it was, and hain't no complaints to make on that score.

Abner was silent a moment, and then he broke out vehemently: "Look a' here, Cap'n, we hain't got no time fer soft sawder naow, with the milishy a comin daown on us. I kin hear em a drummin up ter Lee a'ready, an every jiffey we stay means a man's life an hangin fer them as is tuk.

"I'm satisfied," he said, and he took the saddle and bridle from his horse and turned the animal into the little log stable. "Hain't you goin' to feed 'im?" she asked, hospitably, as he was closing the door; "the's some fodder overhead, an' the corn is in re'ch through the crack above the trough." "Not yet," he returned; "I fed him some shelled corn at the shop.

"Shorty," said the Deacon, in a tone that made that worthy start, "necessity and the stress o' circumstances may force me to do many things which are agin my conscience, and for which I shall repent in sackcloth and ashes, if needs be, but I hain't yit bin reduced to sellin' stolen property. The Lord save me from that.

Fond o' water and dirt, I guess?" "You seem fond o' dirt and not o' water, to judge from your faces," replied Jack, calmly, attempting to light his pipe, which was rather a difficult operation, seeing that it was empty and he had no fire. "Ah! my light's out. Could you lend us a match, friend?" "No, we can't. No time. Hain't got none. Did you see a nigger pass this way?"

Wall, we stayed round here a-lookin' at 'em different buildin's till dark, and then we didn't see a thousandth nor a millionth part of what wuz to be seen there. And I hain't half described its wonders and glories as I'd ort to, and one reason is, nobody can describe any of the buildin's no, not if they had the tongue of men and angels. No, they are too stupendous to describe.

"'Ow 'orribly 'eavy it is, hain't it?" gasped Mivins, after dancing round the main-hatch till he was nearly exhausted. "Heavy!" cried Buzzby, whose appearance was such that you would have hesitated to say whether his breadth or length was greater "heavy, d'ye say? It must be your sperrits wot's heavy, then, for I feel as light as a feather myself."

And she said, "She had ruther come late, prepared, than to go early with everything at loose ends." "But," sez I, "good plain sensible night-shirts and Lyle-thread stockin's hain't loose they hain't so loose as them you are knittin'." But I see that I couldn't break it up, so I desisted in my efforts.

He looked at the letter. "Lem Hallowell' says there hain't nobody to take it." "Jonah Winch's!" exclaimed Wetherell. "Jonah made it go, but that was before all this hullabaloo about Temperance Cadets and what not. Jonah sold good rum, but now you can't get nothin' in Coniston but hard cider and potato whiskey.