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"'Oh, come now! protested Haig, laughing. "'It's true. So you'll drop this hermit business for once, won't you? It will give my wife much pleasure. "There was a little silence. "'Well, have your own way, said Haig at last 'I suppose a man's got to humor his lawyer, if he doesn't want to lose a plain case some day. But I warn you. I'm not very amusing, that is, I trust not.

"The Miner," in niches of gateway, by Albert Weinert of New York. Small portals Italian, fine color effect; lattice-work, orange, blue, light green'. Sculpture on Machinery Palace, by Haig Patigian, of San Francisco. Large columns in front and in vestibule of half dome, imitation Sienna marble. Small portals, orange columns at sides, pink niche, blue dome, orange above dome; pleasing tone,

That was the most eloquent testimonial he could have given, unless it was the supper that was ready for Haig in an hour and no "velle lil" supper at that to his participation in the general rejoicing. Haig, meanwhile, opened the inner door, stepped into the library-bedroom, and halted dead still on the threshold.

She brought his blankets, and helped him to move until he lay flat on them, with his head propped against a stone. Then the leg was stripped, and the ordeal began. It was not the pain so much as the uselessness of it that exasperated Haig; and he was tempted to drive her away from him, and have no more of it.

Soldiers were there, at Victoria, hundreds of them, lined up on a distant platform, and they symbolised the spirit of an age which exalts Mechanism to the pinnacle of a deity and which offers itself as a sacrifice upon his iron altars. The train arrived in due course; cameras and note-books appeared; and people inquired "Is it Sir Douglas Haig they are expecting?"

But Haig was as much the quicker in action as he was the nimbler in wit. The two revolvers cracked, it seemed, as one, but with very different results. Haig's battered old hat, lifted as if by a sudden gust of wind, slid from his head, and fell to the ground with a bullet hole through it. But Huntington threw up his hands, pitched forward, and fell in a heap in the dusty road.

They walked slowly toward each other until they met, and clasped hands. "You found him?" asked Haig, searching the other's face. "In Singapore." "And then?" "He's dead." "And she?" "I've sent her back to her people in Devonshire." Haig gripped hard the hand that was still clasped in his own, and there was a moment of silence.

A great Scotsman, Sir Douglas Haig. What stories fill the pages of the achievements of English sailors ever since the days of Nelson, standing on the deck of the Victory, down to the battle of Jutland! But that gallant Scot, Admiral Beatty, holds the centre of the stage to-day.

However, it is not fair to blame the meat entirely, for the whole mixture goes into decomposition and poisons the body. The cures resulting from Dr. Salisbury's plan also help to disprove the much heralded theory of Dr. Haig, that uric acid from meat eating is the cause of rheumatism. Overeating of meat is often a contributory cause. We are told that the rheumatics who followed Dr.

This I have instanced in the story of Mrs. Veal's Ghost. Ettrick Shepherd arrived. May 9. This day we went to dinner at Mr. Scrope's, at the Pavilion, where were the Haigs of Bemerside, Isaac Haig, Mr. and Mrs. Bainbridge, etc. Warm dispute whether par are or are not salmon trout. "Fleas are not lobsters, d n their souls." Mr.