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My mother, who is in Germany, und quite vell off, send me der car for a birthday present, odervise I should not haff him. Reporters here do not get monies enough to buy automobiles!" "I'll be with you in five minutes!" exclaimed Larry, hurrying off to tell Grace. "I am ready as soon as I see how my sick friend is," declared the German reporter. "Den we go quick like de wind, und haff a goot time!"

His hands shook. Kreynborg chuckled again. "Oh, she is unharmed so far. I haff not much time now. Presently der two of you will while away der time. But not now." He switched on the G.C. receiver and the room filled with a multitude of messages.

I thought it was goin' t freeze up f'r good last night. Tight squeak if I get m' ploughin' done. How's farmin' with you these days?" "Bad. Ploughin' ain't half done." "It 'ud be a religious idee f'r you t' go out an' take a hand y'rself." "I don't haff to," said Butler, with a wink. "Got anybody on the Higley place?" "No. Know of anybody?" "Waal, no; not eggsackly.

Slowly the rollings died away. Then a voice boomed through a speaker overhead, and despite his suspicions Thorn felt a queer surprise. It was a human voice, a man's voice, full of a horrible amusement. "Thorn Hardt! Thorn Hardt! Where are you?" Thorn did not move or reply. "If I haff not killed you, you hear me," the voice chuckled. "Come to see me, Thorn Hardt.

All the dome of mountains and sky was visible in it. There were dancing motes in sight, which were aircraft. "I haff remofed all metal-work from that side of der room," added Kreynborg comfortably, "so I can dare to turn my back. You cannot short der induction-screen again. That was clefer. But you face a scientist, Thorn Hardt. You haff lost."

"What's the matter?" "I haff a head zat tvists and turns like my head never did since many years." The Count had already surmised as much. "Hang it out of the window," he suggested. The Baron made no reply for some minutes. Then with an earnest air he began "Bonker, I have somezing to say to you." "You have the most sympathetic audience outside the clan."

"Thorn Hardt, you will explain it!" "They hope," said Thorn grimly, "your fleet can make gaps in the dome to shoot through. If so, they'll go out through those gaps and fight." "Foolish!" said Kreynborg blandly. "Der only weapon we haff to use is der normal metabolism of der human system. Hunger!" Thorn reached into his pocket. Kreynborg was regarding the screen absorbedly.

He took off his shako and ran his hand through his mop of red hair. "'Tis aither th' luck of th' Irish, me lad, or of th' Scotch. Oi don't ken which Oi'm haff each but mostly 'tis th' virtoo av me bonny red hair." "Why?" "Because, leastways, in th' Thomahlia, there's always a dhrop av royalty in th' red-headed. Me bonnie top-knot has made me a fortune.

Then, looking back at Colonel Cox, he added, bitterly: "I haff ordered flanking-parties and scouts, but my officers, who know much more than I, haff protested against dot useless vaste of time. I thank you, sir; I can your offer not accept."

"No," I snapped. "I don't." And I drummed with my fingers on the windowpane and felt as rebellious as six years old. But of course I'm going to be good. I won't do anything that may delay my getting home to you. The Bornsteds say Koseritz is a very beautiful place, on the very edge of the Haff. They talk with deep respectfulness of the Herr Graf, and the Frau Grafin, and the junge Komtesse.