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"I know not de silly tongue!" grunted Mr. Garlach. "I'll write it for you," Jack said, turning aside his head to conceal a grin. "I'm pretty good at French." "Den you may do so," said Mr. Garlach. "I haf no objections to accepting his apologies, and being friends mit him." "Then here's the note," said Jack, handing over one he had prepared. "Sign it and be in the chapel in ten minutes. Mr.

"Ah, it iss you, Robert, you scapegrace, and it iss you, Tayoga, you wild Onondaga! It iss a glad day for me that you haf come, but I thought you both dead, und well you might be, reckless, thoughtless lads who haf not the thought uf the future in your minds." Robert shook the fat hand in both of his and laughed.

"Irish loafer," roared Lutz, "how do you do? So, not yet haf der bolicemans or der catcher of dogs done deir duty!" "Hello, Dutch," said Mr. McQuirk. "Can't get your mind off of frankfurters, can you?" "Bah!" exclaimed the German, coming and leaning in the door. "I haf a soul above frankfurters to-day. Dere is springtime in der air.

"So, then," the resourceful boy continued, "f'r instance, if you give this ole horn to me, that'd prove it was yours, and Sam'd haf to say it was, and he wouldn't have any right to " "I won't do it!" said Roddy sourly. "I don't want to give you that horn. What I want to give you anything at all for?" Penrod sighed, as if the task of reaching Roddy's mind with reason were too heavy for him.

A thin angular form stood in the doorway, and a stern voice said: "Young ladies, I haf you to report to Miss North if not this noise stop instantly. Instantly. You understand? I speak not again!" "Oh, isn't she too exasperating," remarked Peggy Austin, one of the older girls, as Mary closed the door a little quicker than might have been thought compatible with good manners.

I hide myself all day and come in at night, and now, Massa Easy, you ab haf de whole truth and you ab your tousand dollars and you ab got rid of de rascal friar and de d n galley-slave, Don Silvio." "Tell them all this, Ned," said Jack, who, whilst Gascoigne was so employed, talked with Mesty.

"Yes," said the General, with superior cheerfulness, "though sometimes the honors are easy." "O, I allow we don't always outwit 'em" everybody laughed "but sometimes we just haf to." "To save out-shooting them," suggested the General. "O, I hope we about done with that." "But you're not sure," came the quick retort. "No, seh," replied the sturdy Captain, "we're not shore. It rests with them."

"Soon zey haf growed thin, zis crowd," said the violinist, who took pride in his mastery of idiom. "Zen, when zere remains but a small few, I play for you. You sit zere, in ze leetle garden of flowers." He indicated the secluded seat near the stairway, where she had sat with Ban on the occasion of her first visit to The House With Three Eyes. "Not too far; not too near.

Bah!" "That is what I am sent here for." "Hear to me! If zay haf oysters, zay are placed on zee table before zee guests enter. V'la? Then zee soup. You sairve one deesh at a time. You do not carry all zee deeshes at once. And you take zee deesh, so!" illustrating. "Then you wait till zay push aside zee soup deesh. Then you carry zem away. V'la?" Warjburton signified that he understood.

Ve-e haf a whole barrel of braces and bitters," was the response, as the corpulent Teuton hastened off to get the tools. At the part of the stockade at which they now were standing a ladder, used in some repairing job, still leaned against the high, wooden fence. Coyote Pete, struck by a sudden idea, clambered up it, and gazed over the top of the defensive barricade.