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It is a panel of the old door of my college, having carved on it my college arms. I remembered the Lion and the Shield, Haec fuit, Haec almae janua sacra domus. Yes, certainly religion is as tragic as first love, and drags us out into the void away from our dear homes. It is a good thing to have loved one woman from a child, and it is a good thing not to have to return to the Faith.

Haec sedet in lacu maris, quemadmodum, et Venetiae: et habentur in ea plures quam mille ducenti pontes, et in quolibet turres mirae magnitudinis, ac fortitudinis, munitae peruigili custodia, et pro vrbe tuenda contra Imperatorem Grand Can.

I had not been there long when a gentleman, strolling about, passed near me, and observing, perhaps, something Irish or foreign in my garb or countenance, addressed me: 'Sir, you seem studious; I hope you find this a favorable place to pursue it. 'Not very studious, sir; I fear it is the want of society that brings me hither; I am solitary and unknown in this metropolis'; and a passage from Cicero Oratio pro Archia occurring to me, I quoted it; 'Haec studia pronoctant nobiscum, perigrinantur, rusticantur. 'You are a scholar, too, sir, I perceive. 'A piece of one, sir; but I ought still to have been in the college where I had the good fortune to pick up the little I know. A good deal of conversation ensued; I told him part of my history, and he, in return, gave his address in the Temple, desiring me to call soon, from which, to my infinite surprise and gratification, I found that the person who thus seemed to take an interest in my fate was my countryman, and a distinguished ornament of letters.

But he who lets his feelings run In soft luxurious flow Shrinks when hard service must be done And faints at every woe. J. H. Newman. Welcome shone in Mr. Ogilvie's face in the gaslight on the platform as the train drew up, and the Popinjay in her cage was handed out, uttering, "Hic, haec, hoc. We're all Mother Carey's chicks."

Temple laughed out a recollection of Captain Bulsted's 'hic, haec, hoc'; I jumped Janet Ilchester up on the table; my father expatiated on the comfort of a volume of Shakespeare to an exiled Englishman. We drank to one another, and heartily to the statue.

Then the stern housekeeper would intervene, and check these motions of their minds, haec certamina tanta, turning the more persistent combatants into the street. Next day Mrs. St. After that there would be peace for a while, and presently disturbances would come again. For this establishment it was that Mrs. St. John Deloraine wanted a housekeeper and an assistant.

A child might read the simplicity of its proud significance an ox rampant quartered in a field of gules with a pike dexter and a dog intermittent in a plain parallelogram right centre, with the motto, "Hic, haec, hoc, hujus, hujus, hujus." "Father!" The girl's voice rang clear through the half light of the wainscoted library. Gwendoline Oxhead had thrown herself about the earl's neck.

The revelation was indeed so novel and unexpected, that when the slight deformation of the planet's shape was first detected by him, he did not venture to announce it in plain terms but veiled it, according to the prevailing fashion of the time, under a Latin anagram. His celebrated sentence "Haec immatura a me jam frustra leguntur." forms, by transposing the letters, the more definite statement,

The sum total of a parson's learning, with very few exceptions, is a, b, ab, and hic, haec, hoc; and their knowledge of science is, three times one is three; and this is more than sufficient to have enabled them, had they lived at the time, to have written all the books of the New Testament. As the opportunities of forgery were greater, so also was the inducement.

As a matter of fact the Stoic had only scorn for naturalism. Physical man was to him a creature to be chained. Trust not the "scelerata pulpa; peccat et haec, peccat!" cries Persius in terror. The earlier naïve animism of Greece and Rome had contained more of aesthetic value, for it was the very spring from which had flowed all the wealth of ancient myths.