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They kept fires burning all night to scare him out uh the coulee, and they're going to break camp to-day and hike for home. They say he give a screech that'd put a crimp in the devil himself, and went galloping off, jumping about twenty feet at a lick. And " "Aw, gwan!" protested Happy Jack, feebly. "So help me Josephine, it's the truth," abetted Pink, round-eyed and unmistakably in earnest.

You looking for Say, you beat it. Gwan. Chase yourself. Gwan now; don't stand there. You ain't no decent 'bo. You're another of those Unfortunate Workmen that's spoiling the profesh." The veteran stared at Carl reprovingly, yet with a little sadness, too, at the thought of how bitterly he had been deceived in this young comrade, and his uncombed head slowly vanished amid the lumber.

"I don't recollect mentioning that I was busy penning any letter uh withdrawal," he said. "I got my sights raised to that purse and that belt. I don't recollect saying anything about lowering 'em." "Aw, gwan. I guess I'll try for that purse, too! I betche I got as good a show as " "Sure. Help yourself, it don't cost nothing. I don't doubt but what you'd make a real pretty ride, Happy."

"Cut it out, I said. Whose house is this?" "Gwan back in the bath-tub, Charley." "Say, d' yuh think you can run me? Get out of this, or I'll throw you out. Got house way I want it." Bill Wrenn, the cattleman, rushed at him, smacked him with the broom, drove him back into the tub, and waited. He laughed. It was all a good joke; his friend Charley and he were playing a little game.

"I'm sorry you must take all the risks and do all the work, Terence," he replied. "Gwan wit' ye, Michael. Sure if I had a head on me like you, an' a college edication in back av that ag'in, I'd be out playin' golf this minute wit' Andhrew Carnegie an' Jawn D. Rockefeller ayther that, or I'd have been hung for walkin' away wit' the Treasury Buildin'."

Perry surprised himself by the ease with which he made this monstrous threat, but it seemed to have a soporific influence on his companion, for he gave out an "aw gwan" and subsided into abashed silence. The ringmaster mounted to the top of the piano and waved his hand for silence. "Prizes!" he cried. "Gather round!" "Yea! Prizes!" Self-consciously the circle swayed forward.

To my disgust, I found a line of negroes nearly half a mile in length waiting their turns for calling for letters. One would step to the window and in an exasperatingly in-no-hurry way, say: "Anything for Andrew Jackson, sah?" After a long delay "no!" "Do yer 'spect dere may be soon, sah?" "Did you expect any?" came the reply. "No sah, but sumbudy might write, sah." "Gwan, next!"

The smaller boy first caught sight of the box in the middle of the sidewalk. "Hello! Wot's dis?" he grunted, making a dash upon it. "Gee! Wot's up?" responded the other, who was instantly at his elbow. "Gwan! Lemme look at it." The smaller boy drew away and pressed the spring of the box eagerly. Ping! Out popped the Jack into his astonished face; whereupon he set up a guffaw.

But 'twas to be, I s'pose. The Lord's ways be past findin' out." He woke up and struck the donkey across the rump. "Gwan you! Gee up! What d'ee mean by stoppin' like that?" The Chief Engineer of the Trinity House was a man of few words. He and Taffy had spent the afternoon clambering about the rocks below the light-house, peering into its foundations.

Now the yang gwan, as was expected, stayed where he was, smiled in magnanimous acquiescence, invited the proprietor a stout, jolly person with one eye to be seated, and remained quiet.