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"I took to 'em like a she-bear to honey, down in New Mexico this winter. Your Native Son is solid there, all right." "Aw, gwan! He ain't solid nowhere but in the head. Maybe you'll love him to death when yuh see him chances is you will, if you've took to eatin' dago grub." Andy patted Happy Jack reassuringly on the shoulder. "Don't get excited," he soothed.

On the first count the change appeared to be correct, but on a recount Circuit found the ticket-seller had cunningly folded one twenty double, so that it appeared as two bills instead of one. Turning immediately to the ticket-seller, Circuit showed the deception and demanded correction. "Change was right; you can't dope and roll me; gwan!" growled the ticket-agent.

The Little Doctor's going to help run the thing, and Rena Jackson and Lea Adams are in it and Annie Pilgreen. Her and Happy are down on the program for 'Under the Mistletoe', a tableau the red fire, kiss-me-quick brand." "Aw gwan!" cried Happy Jack, much distressed and not observing Weary's lowered eyelid. His perturbed face and manner gave the Happy Family an idea.

Wonder if she's gone on that young feller? I guess she is all right! Say, wasn't that a clout he handed Perkins. And didn't she give me one. But them eyes! Mandy Haley! By the jumpin' Jeremiah! And the way she looks at a feller! Here, Deck, what you foolin' about? Gwan now, or you'll git into trouble."

It ain't until they've climbed the stairs and walked in the studio door, though, that I even had a glimmer as to who they was. But one glance at them black eyes of the lady's was enough. "Well, I'll be singed!" says I. "The Morans!" "Of London and Paris," adds Millie. "Gwan!" says I. "Show him, Tim," says she.

Yuh didn't see anything of a wild man, down next the river, did yuh?" put in Pink. "Aw, gwan! what wild man?" Happy Jack eyed them suspiciously. "Honest, there's a wild man ranging around here in these hills," Pink declared. "We've been mooching around all forenoon, hunting him. Got sight of him, early this morning, but he got away in the brush."

Why, I get real thrilled I hope you won't think I'm trying to get high-browed, Mr. Morton." "Why, no. Cer'nly not. I understand. Gwan." "It gets me going when I look down the aisle at the altar and see the arches and so on. And the priests in their robes they look so so way up oh, I dunno just how to say it so kind of uplifted." "Sure, I know. Just the esthetic end of the game.

Applehead's booming laugh was to Luck as a vague accompaniment to his own thoughts darting here and there among his plans. "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack was exclaiming in his habitual tone of protest. "Conductor lied to me, is how I come to be over to that place when the train started to pull out. I was buyin' something. I wasn't talking to no Mexican girl. I betche "

Course that gets a squirm out of him, like I hoped it would. But he don't blow out a fuse or anything. "Naturally," says he, "I am charmed to hear such a frank estimate of myself. But suppose I am simply trying to avoid the the Romeo stuff, as you put it?" "Gwan!" says I. "You're only kiddin' yourself. Come now, ain't you as strong for Miss Hampton as ever?"