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'Op off, 'ook it before I break every blessed bone in yer bloomin' body!" "What, Old Un, don't you know me, either?" "Lumme!" exclaimed the little old man, blinking beneath hoary brows. "Ho, lor' lumme, it's 'im! Blimy, it's the Guv'nor 'ow do, Guv!" and shooting immaculate cuffs over bony wrists he extended a clawlike hand. "How are you, Old Un?"

"Ma'am," said he, flourishing off his hat to Mrs. Trapes, "'ere 's me an' me lad Joe come to tea my best respex an' greetin's, ma'am. How do, Guv? I do 'ope as you ain't forgot th' cake." "Oh, we've plenty of cake, Old Un!" laughed Ravenslee. "An' water cress an' jam!" nodded Mrs. Trapes. "Guv," said the old man, gripping Ravenslee's hand, "God bless ye for a true man an' a noble sport.

Trapes, an' the car's below both waitin'. So you'll come t' th' pore young Guv, miss, won't ye, lady?" "Have you any idea who did it?" she questioned, speaking as with an effort. "We got our suspicions, ho, yus!" the Old Un nodded. "Joe's got a wonnerful gift o' suspicion oh, a rare 'ead 'as my lad Joe.

"'Old 'ard, Guv, let a pore old cove get a word in for a change. Now there's you an' 'er, your fair young spouse, both up to each other's weight, sound in wind an' limb an' meant for j'y what I want is t' see you come to a clinch! This ain't no time for sparrin' an' out-fightin' yet 'ere you are a-feintin' at each other from opposite corners " "But "

We traveled all night a good many times, but it done no good as they done the same thing, and we found we war further away, if anything, next morning than we war at sundown. If we'd ever lost the trail so as not to find it we'd guv up and come home, but we never done that nor never lost more nor an hour in lookin' for it.

"Sent yer tel'gram, found out the tenner ye guv me were good, an' got back without the folks gett'n' a single blink at me." "You're some driver, Bub, and you've got a wise head on your shoulders. If you don't talk about this trip, and I don't, no one will ever know, except we two, that the car has been out of the garage."

The Guv ain't dead yet no, not yet " "You mean he's dying?" "My dear," said the old man, blinking at her through sudden tears, "that's what the doctors say." Here he loosed one hand to rub at each bright eye with a bony knuckle. "An' 'im so young so game an' strong three days ago." "How did it happen?" she questioned, her voice low and steady.

He was the only person who ever ventured to "cheek" Henry, yet he never gave offense, not even when he wrote a letter of this kind: "My dear Guv., "I hope you are enjoying yourself, and in the best of health. Shall I study it up, and will you do it with me on tour if possible? Say yes, and lighten the drooping heart of yours sincerely,

"Yes, you did; and you think he ought to have gone?" "May be av he'd gone there, he'd never have stood here this day." "You wanted him to go to Mrs. Mulready's, then?" "Wanted! No, I didn't want nothing about it." "You only asked him to go?" "Jist as I towld you; I said av he guv the boys his word, as a man he shouldn't go from it." "Did you say anything to him about Mr. Jonas Brown?"

Well, well," continued Ned, after a pause, and a careful examination of the Bell Rock, which being twelve miles out at sea could not be seen very distinctly in its lower parts, even through a good glass, "the day afther to-morrow'll settle the question, Misther Ball, for then the Relief goes off, and faix, if I don't guv' ye the lie direct I'm not an Irishman."