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Gregory watched the strangers move closer to their leader as the girl began to speak; heard his low-voiced words, uttered in a harsh guttural; saw his arm flash out and grasp the girl roughly by the shoulder. Leaping forward, Gregory found his way blocked by Weasel-face. The islander's hand was fumbling at his belt. Gregory's fist snapped his head backward.

I looked to the left and there were more of them, while in front beyond the gold-laid board stood the traitor, Larico, laughing. "You have the first fruits, but it seems that another will reap the harvest, Lord-from-the-Sea," he jeered. "Seize her," cried Urco in his guttural voice, pointing to Quilla with his mace, "and brain that white thief."

Then I heard some one say, "Ich glaube " losing the rest of it in the sound of tramping feet and an undercurrent of low, guttural murmurs. In a moment my Spad was surrounded by a widening circle of round hats, German infantrymen's hats. Here was the ignoble end to my career as an airman.

None whatever: the double l of the Welsh is by no means the terrible guttural which English people generally suppose it to be, being in reality a pretty liquid, exactly resembling in sound the Spanish ll, the sound of which I had mastered before commencing Welsh, and which is equivalent to the English lh; so being able to pronounce llano I had of course no difficulty in pronouncing Lluyd, which by-the-bye was the name of the groom.

Led by Sangarre, Tsiganes and Persians reappeared before the Emir's throne, and showed off, by the contrast, their dances of styles so different. The instruments of the Tartar orchestra sounded forth in harmony still more savage, accompanied by the guttural cries of the singers.

Clearly, my thoughts were wandering. It was at this moment the sound of the purring first reached me deep, guttural purring that made me think at once of some large concealed animal. It was precisely what I had heard many a time at the Zoological Gardens, and I had visions of cows chewing the cud, or horses munching hay in a stall outside the cottage.

He was coming slowly, with measured step; naked, except the decent covering of a blanket and a heroic ornament of eagle-plumes, and all alone. The whole tribe had now gathered, and a thousand dusky forms awaited him in the sunset. There was another guttural sound. Another remarkable life-picture came into view.

Carter, may have room for slackers we have not. We have a record and a reputation of which we are proud. You are in your second year. How old are you?" A faint whisper said, "Nineteen." The Dean started. "Nineteen! Oh, dear me, dear me! this is worse than I thought far worse. I am afraid, Mr. Carter, I shall have to write to your father." Guttural with emotion, Mr.

As I look over the field, these yellow-wings everywhere mildly sparkling, many snowy blossoms of the wild carrot gracefully bending on their tall and taper stems while for sounds, the distant guttural screech of a flock of guinea-hens comes shrilly yet somehow musically to my ears.

Glegg felt there was really something in this, but she tossed her head and emitted a guttural interjection to indicate that her silence was only an armistice, not a peace. And, in fact hostilities soon broke out again. "I'll thank you for my cup o' tea, now, Mrs. G.," said Mr. Glegg, seeing that she did not proceed to give it him as usual, when he had finished his porridge.