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'Twas long she did maintain the Royal Cause, Argu'd, disputed, rail'd with great Applause; Writ Madrigals and Doggerel on the Times, And charg'd you all with your Fore-fathers Crimes; Nay, confidently swore no Plot was true, But that so slily carried on by you: Raised horrid Scandals on you, hellish Stories, In Conventicles how you eat young Tories; As Jew did heretofore eat Christian Suckling; And brought an Odium on your pious Gutling: When this is all Malice it self can say, You for the good Old Cause devoutly eat and pray.

Simon of Trent and many more were said to have been martyred in this way. But recently the trial of Mendil Beiliss, a Jew, upon a charge of ritually murdering the Russian lad Yushinsky has caused a world-wide sensation. p. 99 Gutling. Guzzling. Vide Vol. p. 100 took in Lamb's-Wool Ale. Lamb's-Wool Ale is hot ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples, sugared and well spiced.

Amorous Twire. p. 210 gutling. Guzzling, cf. supra, p. 479. p. 210 Docity. cf. II, p. 441. Docity. p. 210 laid in Lavender. An old and common phrase for 'to pawn'. cf. Florio, Worlds of Wordes : 'To lay to pawne, as we say, to lay in Lavender. Ben Jonson, Every Man out of his Humour, Act iii, sc. p. 210 Enter Rag and Landlady. Mrs. Behn remembered how Don John treated Dame Gillian, his landlady.

Enter Rag. How now, Rag, what's a Clock? Rag. My Belly can inform you better than my Tongue. Gay. Why, you gormandizing Vermin you, what have you done with the Three pence I gave you a fortnight ago. Rag. Alas, Sir, that's all gone long since. Gay. You gutling Rascal, you are enough to breed a Famine in a Land.