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In 1819 William Wilberforce presented a petition from the Society of Friends to Parliament against death punishment for crimes other than murder. Writing at later dates upon this subject, Joseph John Gurney says: "I cannot say that my spirit greatly revolts against life for life, though capital punishment for anything short of this appears to me to be execrable."

Besides, I've noticed that the only experience worth while is the kind you pay real money for and Joey has to buy his experience the same as the rest of us." Five days later Cappy Ricks dropped into the Red Funnel Line and laid a telegram on old Joe Gurney's desk. "Read that," he commanded, "and see if you can't work up a couple of cheers." Gurney read: "Aberdeen, Wash., June 3, 1916

He belonged, therefore, by right, to the evangelical party, and had been more or less known to my father for many years. His children were specially intimate with my aunt, Mrs. Batten, whose husband was a master at Harrow. Emelia Batten, now Mrs. Russell Gurney, was a friend of Cunningham's children, and at this time was living in London, and on very affectionate terms with Fitzjames.

At this stage of the proceedings Gurney promptly rose and intervened. He said that he fully agreed with the chairman both as to the necessity for extreme care in the choice of persons to fill positions of such heavy responsibility, and also as to the qualifications required in the holders of such positions.

Then, when we have completed our work to our satisfaction, we can cast the remaining boats adrift they will be certain to drive ashore undamaged, and be recovered and we can go out through the reef in broad daylight." "By Jove, Mr Troubridge, you have hit it!" exclaimed Gurney with enthusiasm.

Now, I calls it splendiferous." Scroggles looked round at his comrades, as if to appeal to their judgment as to the fitness of the word, but not receiving any encouragement, he thrust down the glowing tobacco in his pipe with the end of his little finger, and reiterated the word "splendiferous" with marked emphasis. "Did ye ever see that word in Johnson?" inquired Gurney.

He should be a man not only of the highest legal talent, and with a broad, judicial mind, but also of a pure and lofty character. How ever they came to appoint a man with the loose habits of Judge McGullett to the position is a mystery to me." "Why, my dear," said Mr. Gurney, "it was given him because he worked for his party.

To Achilles, his spear is but his spear: to the painter and his company, the spear of Achilles stands for Achilles himself. Coleridge remarks upon James Gurney, in "King John:" "How individual and comical he is with the four words allowed to his dramatic life!" These words are those with which he answers the Bastard's request to leave the room.

"Now you have made me more curious than ever, little wife. You have played it for one person, and that person a gentleman, and yet you cannot play it for me. Now, Dexie, how could you break my heart by such a confession!" said he, laughing. "It was only Lancy Gurney, so don't be foolish," leaning her head confidingly on his shoulder. "Only Lancy Gurney!

I wish you would get this elevator man you are working with down there to get you a duplicate key to this studio, and see if there is a bolt on the inside. Let me know when you do. Bring me the key. The next time she is there of an evening with Mr. Gurney step out and telephone me." The climax came one night several weeks after this discouraging investigation began.