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The weavers promptly struck. Scabs, gunmen, injunctions, and violence followed. The strike failed, the wage reduction was made, but the men returned to work relying upon a "gentlemen's agreement" that the employers would voluntarily raise the wages of the shingle weavers when shingles again sold for what they were bringing before the depression.

Calumet stepped over to Denver's confederate and took up the pistol from the floor near him, replacing it in his holster. By this time the crowd in the saloon was standing near the two gunmen, commenting gravely or humorously, according to its whim. "Surprise party for him," suggested one, pointing to Denver. "Didn't tickle him a heap, though," said another.

Some were half-breed Indians, and a few were white gunmen who killed for the very joy of killing. And The Terror himself? That was the mystery. Nobody knew his identity. Some rumors held that he was a white man; others maintained that he was a full-blooded Comanche Indian. Nobody had ever seen his face, for he always was masked. His deeds were enough. No torture was too cruel for his insane mind.

These gunmen went into my own place an' shot 'em down. They picked the fight. There's no manner o' doubt about that." "They didn't do it on your account. I tell you there was an old feud." "Webb thinks he's got the world by the tail for a downhill pull. I'll show him." "Dad, you're starting war. Don't you see that? If you shoot these men he'll get back by killing some of yours.

He waved his hand to them before they had left the cover of the cottonwoods. The group of sunburned, booted men who hastily entered Garvey's Place were individuals of the Lost Springs ruler's own stamp. All were gunmen, and some wore two revolvers. Most of them were wanted by the law for dark deeds done elsewhere.

Collectin' fam'ly portraits of prominent gunmen, or what?" "It it's my way of getting material for my work," says Eggleston. "You see, through some friends in a settlement house, I get to know these people. I take snapshots of them for nothing. They like to send the pictures back home, you know, and I can use some of them myself." "In the book?" says I.

It was significant that several members of the Chamber of Commerce called for a certain paragraph to be reread. It was this: "If you working-men could only stand together you could do in this country what has been done in Russia," declared the I.W.W. orator. "You know what the working-men did there to the slimy curs, the gunmen, and the stool-pigeons of the capitalistic class.

He swung through to the roof, trying, as he did so, to kick the ladder loose behind him. It was fastened! The three gunmen jumped into the room from the roof Jimmie Dale got a glimpse of them below, as he flung himself clear of the opening. Bullets whistled through the aperture a voice roared up as he gained his feet: "Come on! After him! The whole place is alive, but this lets us out.

Facing them, four men in black cloaks stood with their backs to the escalators. Two were commonfolk retainers; hired gunmen, to be precise. They were at pains to keep their hands plainly in sight, and seemed to be wishing themselves elsewhere. The man in front wore a diamond sunburst jewel on his beret, and his cloak was lined with pale blue silk.

Akin to Ancient Dinosaurs, Say Scientists." "Jacaro's missing," said Denham harshly. "This article says he's vanished, and with him a dozen of his most prominent gunmen. You know he had a model catapult to duplicate the one he got from you. Von Holtz could arrange the construction of a big Tube for him. And he knew about the Golden City. Look!"