United States or Venezuela ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I thought it was just because I was an American and he was apparently a Turkish woman, but there was no reason why an American might not get a Turkish woman to act as a guide, was there?... And then Jack told me to go home first he said it would be simpler that way and that he would slip over to some friend's or to some safe place and take his disguise off.

The pavilion which they had left was, in the meanwhile, struck with singular dispatch, and the tent-poles and coverings composed the burden of the last camel when the physician, pronouncing solemnly the verse of the Koran, "God be our guide, and Mohammed our protector, in the desert as in the watered field," the whole cavalcade was instantly in motion.

But so far from there being any question of their visiting the private apartments at Isola Nobile, their guide, at one point in their progress, sprang forward and hurriedly closed a door that had stood open, and through which they had caught a glimpse of a pleasantly furnished library.

Then I had no considerate and enlightened guide; no friend, no colleague, with a father's heart, to direct me in my studies or my choice of books. There was one minister in the Body to which I belonged that might have given me good counsel, if he had been at hand, but he and I were never stationed in the same neighborhood.

When they got into the street, he stopped to ask his guide who instantly retreated from him if he knew where they were. The savage thing looked here and there, and at length, nodding his head, pointed in the direction he designed to take.

I found myself accompanied by a guide, a young man of Oriental aspect and habit passing through long vistas of trees which, as we advanced, continually changed in character.

Calhoun had termed the "Forbidden Fruit," and the trouble which beclouded their annexation threatened to surpass the storms of conquest. Congress felt that it was absolutely without light to guide it. It had declined to extend the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean.

So saying, and withal sniffling a little to swallow his grief, he turned from the heart-rending spectacle in order to follow his guide. To follow his guide was no easy matter, and soon required more agility than Captain Dalgetty could master.

"As the happiness of our girls depends upon their health, it behoves us all to guide the girls in such a way as to bring forward the best of results. "THERE IS NO ONE who stands so near the girl as the mother. From early childhood she occupies the first place in the little one's confidence she laughs, plays, and corrects, when necessary, the faults of her darling.

How and why can this be? is it the Ceremonial causing the mind to be too much alert to guide the body now to rise, now to kneel, now to move in some direction? Is it this distraction which prevents perception for in all communion with God the mind is closed down, the heart and soul only being in operation?