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I questioned men from five other units, but none of them were any better informed than we were. The expectation of peace had made us forget our bitterness towards the army, but it began to show itself again: "They don't want us to know!" "They're damned sorry it's all over!" "There's too many of 'em wi' soft jobs what wants the war to go on for ever!" "What are you grumbling about?

Any one but Mary would have regarded her as a most unpromising companion, when she answered her question with a grumbling "Yes, been on two days, and got two more to go." The tone was as ungracious as if she had said, "Mind your own business." The train was passing over a section of rough road just then, and they swayed against each other several times, with polite apologies on Mary's part.

Pocketing his pride and burning with indignation, he walked forward, while the tyrannical steward went grumbling to his own private den. It chanced that night that the captain, ignorant of what had occurred, sent for the unfortunate stowaway, for the mitigation of whose sorrows his friend Ben Trench had, more than once, pleaded earnestly, but in vain.

In this work he learned many useful things, but he was especially impressed by the style, and he retained the following passage: "In a word, if you wish, without books, without rules, to fish successfully, to the left or to the right, up or down stream, in the masterly manner that halts at no difficulty, then fish before, during and after a storm, when the clouds break and the sky is streaked with lightning, when the earth shakes with the grumbling thunder; it is then that, either through hunger or terror, all the fish forget their habits in a turbulent flight.

Had I not better waken him? We shall not reach Poictiers to-night." "Yes; tell him we are ready to start. I have no wish to pass the night at some village inn." L'Estang's messenger was indeed a surly fellow. He came into the courtyard rubbing his eyes and grumbling at being disturbed.

The carrots were hard, and "not scraped," as the wizard said severely. "Plums too much sugar." But in spite of all this grumbling she felt immensely proud of her morning's work. The house was not cleaned; neither were the beds made; but this he did not seem to notice. He lay on the sofa by the window, covered himself up with a bear skin, and snored loudly with his mouth open.

But there was one that was disappointed. That was Reddy Woodpecker. "Why, the strangers whoever they are are too small for me to fight!" he cried. "And here I've wasted all this time for nothing at all!" He looked so angrily at Rusty Wren that Rusty felt very uneasy. He certainly didn't want Reddy Woodpecker to fight him! Luckily Reddy did not attack Rusty. But he went away grumbling.

Herb's prophecy was being fulfilled. Pamolah was grumbling at the trailers, and sending out his Thunder Sons to bid them back. But it was too late for retreat. If they gave up their purpose, turned and fled to camp, the storm, which was surely coming, would catch them under the interlacing trees, a danger which the guide was especially anxious to avoid.

"What's wanted?" asked one old giant in a low, grumbling voice. "We are strangers, and we wish to enter the city," replied the Wizard. "Do you come in war or peace?" asked another. "In peace, of course," retorted the Wizard, and he added impatiently, "Do we look like an army of conquest?"

She moved about the room, arranging and ordering, grumbling to herself from time to time at this lonely task which had been assigned to her. There were some flowers in broken jars upon a cross-beam, and these, with a touch of tenderness, she carried over and arranged upon a deal packing-case beside the patient's head.