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The harmlessness of abstinence was affirmed by Kräpelin, Cramer, Gärtner, Tuczek, Schottelius, Gaffky, Finkler, Selenew, Lassar, Seifert, Gruber; the last, however, added that he knew very few abstinent young men, and himself only considered abstinence good before full development, and intercourse not dangerous in moderation even before then.

Individuals with one testicle are called monorchids, and may be divided into three varieties: A solitary testicle divided in the middle by a deep fissure, the two lobes being each provided with a spermatic cord on the same side as the lobe. Testicles of the same origin, but with coalescence more general. A single testicle and two cords. Gruber of St.

It is identified with the modern feverfew by Smith in Rees' Cyclopædia, a plant of the chamomile kind; rather unpleasant for food, as one might conjecture. The oil-flasks were of coarse leather. A map of the Topography of Athens has been published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Leake's Topography of Athens, K.O. Müller, in Ersch und Gruber, Encyclop. art.

Gruber said nothing, but silently directed the other's attention to the foliage of adjacent trees, which showed no movement; even the delicate tips of the boughs silhouetted against the clear sky were motionless. They hastily passed down the steps to what had been a lawn and looked upward at the vine, whose entire length was now visible.

"Oh, well; I tell you," he consented with an almost malignant glance in the direction of Johnny. "All my customers know me in that place." "Your customers would find you anywhere," Close complimented him. "Maybe they do," admitted Ersten. "My cousin, Otto Gruber, had a fine saloon business. He moved across the street and broke up." "It was not the same," Close assured him.

The following twenty-one "Rules for Daily Life," printed in one of their collections, and written by one of their older leaders, E. L. Gruber, give, I think, a tolerably accurate notion of their views of the conduct of life: "I. To obey, without reasoning, God, and through God our superiors. "II. To study quiet, or serenity, within and without. "III. Within, to rule and master your thoughts.

In our society the knowledge of the learned world consists of anecdotes of the extraordinary absentmindedness of certain old professors, and two or three witticisms variously ascribed to Gruber, to me, and to Babukin. For the educated public that is not much.

Also, E. Morselli, 'Sopra una rara anomalia dell' osso malare, Modena, 1872. Still more recently Gruber has written a pamphlet on the division of this bone. This is its condition in the human foetus when two months old; and through arrested development, it sometimes remains thus in man when adult, more especially in the lower prognathous races.

Knox, as I am informed, was the first anatomist who drew attention to this peculiar structure in man; see his 'Great Artists and Anatomists, p. 63. See also an important memoir on this process by Dr. Gruber, in the 'Bulletin de l'Acad. Imp. de St.

'Ueber der Tonapparat der Locustiden, ein Beitrag zum Darwinismus, 'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft. But Dr. Gruber further shews that their development is in part directly due to the stimulus from the friction of one wing over the other. The left wing, which acts as the bow, lies over the right wing which serves as the fiddle.