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I will carry in coal, but I draw the line at kindling wood." "Well, you are a cruel, bad boy," said the grocery man, as he went to the book and charged the six shillings. "O, I don't know. I think Pa is cruel. A man who will take a poor kitty by the neck, that hasn't done any harm, and tries to chastise the poor thing with a trunk strap, ought to be looked after by the humane society.

He could not reinstate himself in that mood of wrath wherein he had left the corner grocery. The tooth had changed all that. What was Marcus Schouler's hatred to him, who had Trina's affection? What did he care about a broken pipe now that he had the tooth? Let him go. As Frenna said, he was not worth it.

To Agnes Arnold going into Shreveport, the emotions must have been very much like yours in front of that battery. Yet there was no fluttering of her pulse. "Where shall I go first?" asked this splendid heroine of the gentleman in charge of the district in which she chanced to find herself. "Not far; right across the street there into that grocery store at the corner.

On the day before the start the boys were surprised to see Hans Mueller appear, with a big trunk and a dress-suit case. The German boy came over from Oak Run in a grocery wagon, having been unable to find a cab. "How you all vos?" said he, shaking hands. "I dink first I go py dot Pittsburg und den I dinks me I got lost maybe so I come here." "That's right, Hans," said Dick.

Is a man a horse trough at which every beast can stop to drink?" McGregor and the barber sat in the room laughing at the boss barber who had smilingly bought the tickets while consumed with inward wrath. The barber urged McGregor to go with him to the dance. "We will make a night of it," he said. "We will see women there two that I know. They live upstairs over a grocery store.

They waved a good-bye as they rode off, and Quincy made his way to the grocery store. Mr. Strout came from behind the counter to meet him. Hiram was busy putting order baskets in the gaudily painted wagon. "I heard as how you were in town, and Hiram said you were at his house last night, but I ain't one of the kind that gits mad if I'm waited on last at table.

You have hardly a single feature that would make you contented if you were to join an under-water school. Look at your clothes, too, water-soaked and heavy. Do you think them suitable to protect you from cold and sickness? Nature forgot to give you any scales. Now I'm going to tell you a joke, so you must be sure to laugh. Fishes are like grocery shops always judged by their scales.

She did not know that he was still the largest owner in the town's best grocery store, and when that store offered her special terms for her exclusive trade, she accepted the proposition thankfully. She told Ross about it, as a matter well within his knowledge, if not his liking, and he was mildly interested. "I am much alarmed at this new venture," he wrote, "but you must get your experience.

And that other, the world of my dreams, simply did not exist. Incidentally my father had condemned Cousin Robert's wholesale grocery business as a refuge of the lesser of intellect that could not achieve the professions, an inference not calculated to stir my ambition and liking for it at the start. I began my business career on the following Monday morning.

Perhaps she thought of Hugo then; of perhaps the small unreconstructed corner of her mind grew more unrestful. "I'm not sure that I'll be able to go," she said, slowly.... "Dr. Vivian is your telephone number still the same Meeghan's Grocery? I I may want to speak to you some time." Yes, it was just the same. Meeghan's Grocery.