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"Here!" she said to Brogard, who seemed suddenly to have been transformed in her eyes into some heaven-born messenger of bliss. "Here! did you say the English gentleman was coming back here?" The heaven-born messenger of bliss spat upon the floor, to express his contempt for all and sundry ARISTOS, who chose to haunt the "Chat Gris."

"MON DIEU! sire," I said. "What is it? What is the matter?" "Matter enough!" he cried, with an oath. And on that, halting his horse, he looked at me as if he would read my heart. "VENTRE DE SAINT GRIS!" he said, in a voice that made me tremble, "if I were sure that there was no mistake, I would I would never see your face again!" I uttered an exclamation. "Have you not deceived me?" quoth he.

And, as in the Provinces, the wine was the petit vin gris which I never can drink without a vision of the straight, white, poplar-lined roads of France, sunshine, a tandem tricycle or two bicycles, J. and myself perched upon them, and by the way friendly little inns with a good breakfast or dinner waiting, and a big carafe of the pale light wine served with it.

One stroke of its blade would open a box of the finest French sardines. "Voila, Gray Wolf," cries Couteau, the bartender. "How many victims to-day? There is no blood upon your hands. Has the Gray Wolf forgotten how to bite?" "Sacre Bleu, Mille Tonnerre, by George," hisses the Gray Wolf. "Monsieur Couteau, you are bold indeed to speak to me thus. "By Ventre St. Gris! I have not even dined to-day.

Representatives of every class that went to make up the seventy thousand inhabitants of that wealthy, industrious city were to be seen in the human stream that ebbed and flowed beneath the window from which Andre-Louis observed it. Of the waiter who ministered to his humble wants with soup and bouilli, and a measure of vin gris, Andre-Louis enquired into the state of public feeling in the city.

Monsieur Vidocq calls a horse gres this again is a gipsy word gras, gre, graste, and gris. Add to this the word romanichel, by which the gipsies are described in Parisian slang. This is a corruption of romane tchave "gipsy lads." But a piece of etymology of which I am really proud is that of the word frimousse, "face," "countenance" a word which every schoolboy uses, or did use, in my time.

I cried out, caring nothing who heard, that I was M. de Marsac, that I had come back to meet whatever my enemies could allege against me. 'VENTRE SAINT GRIS! Henry exclaimed, starting in his saddle with well-feigned surprise. 'Are you that man? 'I am, sire, I answered. 'Then you must be mad! he retorted, appealing to those behind him. 'Stark, staring mad to show your face here!

Every cafe will give evidence of it, every society bears its testimony to it, and even the most wretched Vaudeville, however, trivial the interest however meagre the story, and poor the diction, let the emperor but have his "role" let him be as laconic as possible, carry his hands behind his back, wear the well-known low cocked-hat, and the "redingote gris" the success is certain every sentence he utters is applauded, and not a single allusion to the Pyramids, the sun of Austerlitz, l'honneur, et al vieille garde, but is sure to bring down thunders of acclamation.

"But, but why what is all this? Why do we not hasten away?" broke in Jean Breboeuf. "Pish! We do not go away. We remain where we are." "Remain? Stay here, and be eaten by the Iroquois? Nay! not Jean Breboeuf." Du Mesne smiled broadly at his terrors, and a dry grin even broke over the features of the impassive old trapper, Tête Gris.

fr. s. Becasse 3 Mauviettes Poularde fine 9fr. la moitie 4 10 Poulet Normand, 7fr. la moitie 3 10 Poulet gras, 6fr. la moitie 3 0 1 Pigeon de voliere 2 10 Perdreau rouge Perdreau gris 3 10 Caneton de Rouen Caille 2 0 Agneau Veau 1 0 Mouton Levreau Grive Obergine 1 10