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We made other acquaintances Mrs. Griggson, the widow in "reduced circumstances," whose husband had been killed in the Boer war, and who occupied the little cottage next to the draper's shop; Mr. and Mrs. Samson, of Burgleston Bogs, friends of the Baylisses, and others. They were pleasant, kindly, unaffected people and we enjoyed their society. Each day Frances gained in health and strength.

Griggson poured out bumpers in the four glasses. "I shall now shoot like your friend from Liverpool," said Antony, "and if I kill your husband and most of the guests I cannot be blamed for it," and he drank down the hock. "Don't be so foolish," I said, laughing, in spite of having pretended to be annoyed with him.

"I shall be glad if Auntie will go with me." Wrayton was the county-seat, a good-sized town five miles from Mayberry. Hephzy declined the invitation. She had promised to "tea" with Mrs. Griggson that afternoon. "Then I must go alone," said Frances. "That is unless er Uncle Hosea cares to go." "Uncle Hosea" declined.

But nothing happened, I did not feel at all excited, so it must be because they are French. Mustn't it? First we went to a curiosity shop before going to the Cathedral, and there was such an odd man owned it. "My good Griggson," Lady Theodosia called him; he seemed quite pleased although we none of us bought anything and so friendly with Lady Theodosia.