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When she knew that he was indeed in the palace, she shut herself into her chamber with a crucifix, and spent the whole day at the window peeping from behind a curtain. Grifone saw the shape of her in it, saw her hand at the selvage.

Master Grifone, for his part, had taken very good care that the Duke of Nona should be occupied, and himself not hard to find. Molly came upon him in a gallery of arras; caught him crouching there with his face hidden in his hands. She went to him at once, full of the trouble he showed her, sat by him, put her arm round his neck, and tried to draw his head up.

It is, however, irremediable. Nothing but misfortune could overcome such misfortune as mine; and that I pray Heaven to keep far from you." "Alack! good Grifone, what sayings are these for a day that should be happy?" urged the warm-hearted girl, with eyes ready to fill. "Madonna, let me endure the thought of them alone, I entreat your Grace." "Never, while I live, Grifone.

Amilcare jerked in mid-career, constricted and turned half. But the blow had gone too deep and too true. He fell horribly, and Molly knew no more. Grifone received his swooning lady into his arms and held her there to his great content, triumphing in her beauty and successful capture. Happy he was, but Molly was tall and he a light-weight. Moreover, he wanted to wipe his blade and be off.

She shall be in the Palace within an hour. Madonna Maria saved my life at the peril of her own. She has no more devoted servant than I am. Trust me to prove it." "Chiesa! Chiesa! Madonna! Heed the Duke!" cried the mob. And then, "Let the Duke go up and win us our lady." "That he shall never do," said Grifone, and came down from the window.

Now Ludovic feared one man in all Italy, and so did Amilcare. That was the one man in all Italy whom Grifone respected, on whom he thought he could honestly rely. Thought he to himself, "Can their Serenities be leagued against this man in my service? Can they not, by our risen Lord?" He fancied that they might.

Molly answered nothing with her lips, but in her bosom prayed ceaselessly for pity. "Love me, pledge me with your lips, let me drink of you, O my soul!" sighed the Duke. "Ecco, Madonna," said Grifone, and handed her the cup. "The chalice of love!" cried Cesare, straining towards the white girl. "Drink to me, my heart, and I will drink from thee!"

Amilcare, growing tense between his difficulties, felt that explanations must be given and received, felt also that they must come from himself in fact, Grifone had declined them and felt that he was not strong in such work. Direction he could give, but not explanation. However, he must try.

Her interest in all these fine things was painful, if delicious; and it never occurred to her for a moment that it could be a sin to listen where it was evidently such a virtue to declare. She was conscious of no disloyalty to Amilcare in so listening, in being so troubled, in displaying her trouble so unaffectedly. Poor, poor, good Grifone!

He held it in both hands as if it were a chalice. Molly, beaten out and white, looked at it dully, but did not seem to see it. "Madonna mia," said the youth, "this is the loving-cup which I am to hand to you after dinner, and which you are to hand to Duke Cesare." He hardly heard her answer, but judged by the shaping of her lips that it was, "Well, Grifone?"