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But I must reserve a description of these trips until another letter, as I am sure you will be heartily tired by the time you have got through my griffonage. 'I have enjoy'd all this summer most excellent health, and the climate has completely left off its baneful influence upon me, thank God.

We are among friends." But Guichet again looked at the drawing, and again shook his head. "I'm no judge of pictures, messieurs," said he. "I'm only a poor devil of a model. How can I pretend to know a man from such a griffonage as that?" And, taking up his big sword again, he retreated to his former post over against the picture. We all saw that he was resolved to say no more.

I have not, however, seen this in any newspaper, but to-day I was told that the Emperor had invaded Saxony with forty thousand troops. Whether the news be true I know not. This is a fine griffonage, to be sure! but I have not patience to write prettily; if you can only read it, it will do well enough.

But the ruby brooch that had not yet arrived what would that cost? She hurried to her accounts; she had let them run on for months unlooked at, but she thought she must know the principal articles of expense in dress by her actual possessions. There was a heap of little crumpled bills which, with Felicie's griffonage, Helen had thrown into her table-drawer.

At length, however, this interesting affair was settled, and most happily. The appearance promised well, and the performance bettered it. We hastened to pack up our "trumpery," as Captain Mirven unkindly calls the paraphernalia of the ladies, and among the rest, my six hundred pages of griffonage. There is enough of it, yet I must add a few more lines.