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And now the feast commenced, in earnest; as the first course, consisting of fresh eggs boiled hard, with lettuce, radishes, endive and rockets, olives of Venafrum, anchovies and sardines, and the choicest luxury of the dayhot sausages served upon gridirons of silver, with the rich gravy dripping through the bars upon a sauce of Syrian prunes and pomegranate berrieswas placed upon the board.

Should such a thing happen, he declared, he would 'give his poor body up to be broiled on one of Castlereagh's widest-ribbed gridirons. The 'gridiron prophecy' became famous; a gridiron was for long a frontispiece to the Register; and Cobbett, far from retracting, went on proving, in the teeth of facts, that it had been fulfilled.

Little kettles with bowed or carved handles. Copper pans with ears. Great brass pots. Dripping-pans. An iron peel or baking shovel. A brazen mortar and a pestle. Gridirons. Iron ladles. A laten scummer. A grater. A pepper mill. A mustard-quern. Boards. A salt-box. An iron range. Iron racks. A tin pot. Pot hooks. A galley bawk to suspend the kettle or pot over the fire.

So does the ironmongery candle-boxes, and gridirons, and that sort of necessaries because those things tell, and mount up. However, "wait and hope!" And I assure you she's the dearest girl! 'I am quite certain of it, said I. 'In the meantime, said Traddles, coming back to his chair; 'and this is the end of my prosing about myself, I get on as well as I can.

You would have seen them with loads of bedclothes, carpets, men and women's wearing clothes, pots, pans, gridirons, shoes and other furniture whereof they had pillaged the country." Wodrow, ii. 413. Claverhouse was not left long in idleness.

Did you never have a sympathy for them as the monks came rushing into their temples, kicking down their poor altars, smashing the fair calm faces of their gods, and sending their vestals a-flying? They are always preaching here about the persecution of the Christians. Are not the churches full of martyrs with choppers in their meek heads; virgins on gridirons; riddled St. Sebastians, and the like?

Strange, that if men here are shut up in prisons and hulks amid desperadoes, they come out more finished villains than they entered; whereas hereafter, if men are shut up with even worse characters, amid blazing fires, glowing gridirons, and cauldrons of boiling lead, they come out perfected in virtue.

On Sunday, the eleventh of November, a rumour was circulated that knives, gridirons, and caldrons, intended for the torturing of heretics, were concealed in the monastery which had been established under the King's protection at Clerkenwell. Great multitudes assembled round the building, and were about to demolish it, when a military force arrived.

It blazed brazenly into open windows, and changed beds into gridirons on which the sleepers tossed and turned and woke unrefreshed and with throats dry and parched. Its glare awakened Rags into a startled belief that the place about him was on fire, and he stared wildly until the child in his arms brought him back to the knowledge of where he was.

"They've got a peach of an athletic field, dad," he observed approvingly. "I can see six goals, and that means three gridirons. And there's a baseball field besides. The catalogue says that 'provision is also made for tennis, boating and swimming, but I don't see any tennis courts in the picture." "All right," grunted his father from behind the paper.