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Crack! Greg was off like a colt. Running was in his line. He had swatted the ball somewhere over into left field, and he didn't care where it landed. Gardiner's left field was forced to pick up the leather. Greg didn't know that anyone had the ball. He didn't care; he had to make first, anyway. He kicked the bag, turning for the second lap.

'This boy might have been yours or mine, Greg, I heard him say in a faltering rough tone. They forgot the presence of Temple and me, but spoke as if they thought they were whispering. The captain assured his brother that Squire Beltham had given him as much fair play as one who holds a balance.

But my ideas of a desert island isn't Palm Beach with commercial photographers snapping at whoever sits down in the sand! Look about us, Greg who's happy? Who isn't watching the future for just this or just that to happen before she can really feel content?

Taking this with him he went over to the wash basin, where, wetting a towel, he bathed his battered face. "Almost one o'clock," he remarked, after striking a match for a look at his watch. "I won't call Dave at all, but will stay up and call Harry at half-past one." "Now, come in with the sprint!" Dick sang out to Hazelton. "Greg, Dave and Tom, you block him. Get through, Harry -some way!

In the afternoon came a lot more of drilling of awkward squads by other cadet corporals. Greg soon found, under the tender mercies of another corporal, why Brayton was considered "easy." These cadet corporals are all members of the yearling class, the class directly above the plebes. As corporals these members of the yearling class get their first direct experience in military command.

In an instant Greg was in motion, while Dick raced as though bent on catching his chum. The ball had gone out over the head of center, who was now faithfully chasing it across outfield. Greg came in and hit the plate amid a cyclone of Army enthusiasm. The band was playing in sheer joy.

"Remember the January exams., old fellow," warned Dick. "And the general review begins Monday. That will show you up, if you don't keep your nose in math. and out of books on the Queensbury rules." "Funny how Bert Dodge keeps up in mathematics, and yet takes in all the pleasures he can find," rumbled on Greg, as he turned the pages of his book, seeking what he wanted.

'And he had the wheels to make it go. Here they whispered in earnest. 'Oh, the Billings were as rich as the Belthams, said the captain, aloud. 'Pretty nigh, William. 'That's our curse, Greg.

Look, there isn't going to be any bargaining with Tawney, he just doesn't work that way. It's heads he wins, tails we lose. Once he has what he wants we won't last six minutes. All right, then there's just one thing that can keep us alive ... stalling him. We've got to make him think you'll give in if he plays his cards right." Greg was silent for a minute. "I hadn't thought of it that way."

"But Greg, man, this is war-time, and the biggest and most serious war in which we were ever engaged. There must be no doubts -no ifs or buts. We must have a regiment one hundred per cent. perfect. I'm going to do my share with a company one hundred percent. good, even if I don't find time for any sleep." Up the corridor there sounded a knock at a door. Something was said in a low voice.