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A knock comes at th' dure an' Woo enthers. 'Well, says he, with a happy smile, ''tis all right. 'What's all right? says the sicrety iv state. 'Ivrything, says Woo. 'I have just found a letter sewed in a shirt fr'm me frind Lie Much, th' viceroy iv Bumbang. It is dated th' fourth hour iv th' third day iv th' eighth or green-cheese moon, he says. 'What day is that? says the sicrety iv state.

"Yes, yes, of course why, to be sure we'll send him anywhere that thou dost say, Golden-heart: to Persia or Cathay ay, to the far side of the green-cheese moon, or to the court of Tamburlaine the Great," and he laughed a quick, dry, nervous laugh that had no laughter in it.

"Simply the question, what the moon is made of." "Indeed?" "Certainly. Mr. Denis took the common and erroneous view familiar to scientific men; I, on the contrary, supported the green-cheese view of the question; and this was the real cause of our quarrel. I am sure Mr.

We felt that though we were probably as safe as ever in our lives, yet there were possibilities that gave our position just enough spice of danger to be exciting. Looking out during the night, I saw a misshapen gibbous moon, of a strange green-cheese color, setting between the four legs of a mule, whose body made an arched frame for it. The effect was most grotesque.