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'An apt comparison! said I. 'But how comes it, sergeant, that you have given attention to these matters? Unless they are much belied, the Royal Dragoons find other things to think of. 'I was one of Mackay's foot, he answered shortly. 'I have heard of him, said I. 'A man, I believe, both of parts and of piety. 'That, indeed, he is, cried Sergeant Gredder warmly.

If a man lead a life of virtue, what matter what he believes? 'Let a man keep his virtue in his heart, quoth Sergeant Gredder. 'Let him pack it deep in the knapsack of his soul. I suspect godliness which shows upon the surface, the snuffling talk, the rolling eyes, the groaning and the hawking. It is like the forged money, which can be told by its being more bright and more showy than the real.

Two companies of Dumbarton's Foot had been quartered in the village, with a portly Major at their head, to whom I was handed over by Sergeant Gredder, with some account of my capture, and of the reasons which had prevented my summary execution. Night was now drawing in, but a few dim lamps, hung here and there upon the walls, cast an uncertain, flickering light over the scene.

'We have something else to work up, Jack, exclaimed his companion impatiently. 'Sergeant Gredder, do you with two troopers conduct the prisoner to Gommatch Church. It is time that we were once more upon our way, for in a few hours the darkness will hinder the pursuit.

A brave man in misfortune hath ever my goodwill, strike me dumb else! Sergeant Gredder is my name, formerly of Mackay's and now of the Royals as hard-worked and badly-paid a man as any in his Majesty's service. Right wheel, and down the pathway! Do ye ride on either side, and I behind! Our carbines are primed, friend, so stand true to your promise! 'Nay, you can rely upon it, I answered.