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Was it a mere coincidence that the meadowlark flew up just then from its grass-tuft, and came to the roof's comb overhead, where it lit with a light yet audible stroke of its feet and began fluting its tender, lonesome-sounding strain?

Hedgehog was even then attending to the trademark of the hedgehogs, that hole. All the immediate world of the night wild, watching from grass-tuft and root and burrow, heard the rasping tap of the owl's beak hammering helplessly at the spines on the back of the hedgehog, now beside himself with rage.

Her forepaw just grazed the grass-tuft where the Kitten was standing, and for an instant she felt the blades slipping between her toes; but the next moment she was swimming for the log again, and the Kitten was mewing his sympathy at the top of his voice.

She was, in point of fact, surveying the district round her capital to be, marking each point bush, stone, grass-tuft, tree-trunk, flower-cluster, clod, branch, anything and everything, great and small and jotting down in indelible memory fluid, upon whatever she kept for a brain, just precisely the position of every landmark.

They would nestle in crevices, like bits of thistledown caught in a grass-tuft, and would there sun themselves and chirrup. So many hundreds were there, and their shadows so multiplied them, that they seemed less like birds than like some dream of a bird heaven essential birdhood.

In this situation they hung for an instant, suspended over the abyss; but the grass-tuft by which she clung gradually gave way; and in another instant a sullen plunge in the deep waters below told that the loves and miseries of Spinello and Beatrice were ended. The passage of Lanzi, to which I referred at the commencement, is as follows: "The 'Fall of the Angels, still remains in St.

Out of the east came a soft summer breeze, stealing silently across the valley, and tilting the balance of each dripping leaf. So the great drops of moisture slipped off them to swell the river, and the drying of the earth commenced. That is what brought them all out together. The water-rat came from a hole five feet above the river-level. An overhanging grass-tuft masked her exit.

In an agony of terror he scrambled up the shaft, and concealed himself in an adjoining grass-tuft. He was sick, and dizzy, and bruised all over. Scarcely had he recovered sufficient coolness to look about him, when the object of his terror emerged with dripping jaws, and he was enabled, for the first time, to form an opinion of the arch-enemy of vole-kind.

But in an unimportant squabble with a mouse of his own age, he soon proved the victor, and, finding his reward in the favour of a young she-vole that had watched the quarrel from behind a grass-tuft, ran off with her at midnight to his old, deserted burrow in the pasture.

How?" The questions came rapidly. "It came the night you were at Orrville. It was flung in through the open window late at night. I'd fallen asleep in my chair waiting. It hit me on the face. They'd made it fast around a grass-tuft." "Who sent it?" "It must have been the man, Sikkem, who's just sent in word to you he's shot up." "Sikkem? Why?"