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Henderson has erected an extensive range of houses, after the following description and plan: "I have read and examined from time to time, with much interest, your remarks and sketches of Plant Houses, and it is not to dissent from your views that I now write, although it seems to me that your ideas run all one side of the matter, for your designs and descriptions are almost exclusively of an ornamental character, and adapted only for conservatories or graperies, leaving the uninitiated commercial nurseryman or florist to look in vain for something to suit his case.

The principal differences between the plans for Orchard houses and Graperies are, first, the somewhat lower roof of the former, that the pots containing the trees may stand upon the earth floor or border, while the foliage may be brought as near as possible to the glass; and secondly, the very ample ventilation required by the trees, at certain periods of their growth, and in completing the "hardening off" process of the wood, and leaves if the trees are to be removed to the open air.

We do not wish to be understood as saying that it is always best to put these houses in this particular shape; but where money is no particular object, and architectural effect is sought for, this form gives an opportunity in its broken outlines for considerable display. DESIGN No. 20. Green-houses and Graperies are usually erected as separate structures.

"'Possibly a little cold lamb with a suggestion of potato salad on the side might satisfy us, I said; 'make me an estimate. "'Four dollars and eighteen cents, replied Patsey Boulanger; 'eighteen cents for the lamb and salad and the four dollars for the Looey the Fifteenth graperies in the drawing-room. "'Ask him if there's a bargain counter anywhere in the dining-room, whispered Peaches.

Cold Graperies, with span roofs, and glazed at both ends, are better placed North and South, that is, with the ends facing these points, as nearly as a due regard to the positions of other buildings in the vicinity, and the general symmetry and apportionment of the grounds will permit. Each side of the roof will thus receive an equal amount of sun-light.