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"I regard her as a sister, of course" which means what does it mean when a lady says that she regards Jane as a sister? It has been described how the Misses Dobbin lived with their father at a fine villa at Denmark Hill, where there were beautiful graperies and peach-trees which delighted little Georgy Osborne.

We have illustrated examples of the straight and curvilinear roofs, and now give the polyprosopic roof, in which manner we have erected some half dozen graperies and plant houses. This particular form of hot houses was described by Mr.

Fruit trees are frequently grown in pots in Graperies. After the vines have expanded their leaves maturely, and obstructed the light, it becomes necessary to remove the trees to the open air. The leaves and new grown wood being very tender, the abrupt change to a different climate is too great, and they suffer in consequence.

For span-roofed Green-houses the rule is not so arbitrary, the glass not being lined with foliage, as in the case of graperies, the diffusion of light would not be materially obstructed. Under some circumstances, Green-houses may be placed east and west, as when a portion of the house is to be devoted to the purposes of propagation.

While the culture was merely experimental, this was all well enough; but now that the Orchard house has taken its place among other Horticultural structures, the same arguments we have urged against cheap Graperies will apply with equal force to this class of buildings.

There are muffins and crumpets, dry toast, buttered toast, plum-cake, seed-cake, peach-fritters, apple-marmalade, and bread and butter. There are put-up fruits of all kinds, of which you really wouldn't know that they hadn't come this moment from graperies and orchard-houses; but we don't put them on the table, because we think that we can't eat quite so much dinner after them."

Methods for building cheap Graperies and Green houses have often been described, and we find many of these imperfect and temporary structures scattered through the country. Such buildings may be cheap as respects their first cost, but their durability is a question which should enter into the calculations of their builders, as well as the consideration of the original outlay.

The graperies are intended to be used without heat; but whenever desirable, heating apparatus can be easily introduced, and the grape season materially lengthened.

They have none of those hundred little ties and torments which weary and diversify life. They have acres, but they have no uncles they have gardens and graperies, but they cannot raise a grandfather they may have a future, but they have scarcely a present; and they have no past. Should they be poor, their solitary state suggests recklessness and vice.

"Now it seems to me that our danger does not lie in the great and evident expenses of our richer friends. We do not expect to have pineries, graperies, equipages, horses, diamonds, we say openly and of course that we do not. Still, our expenses are constantly increased by the proximity of these things, unless we understand ourselves better than most people do.