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To-day, having exhausted the simple family names, they have tried combinations and experiments with the words Mr., Mrs., and Miss, much to their own amusement, "Miss Timothy Saunders" being considered a huge joke. Suddenly Ian looked up with one of his most compelling, whimsical smiles, and said, "Barbara, grandpop's Mrs. was grandma, and she's in heaven, but where is Mrs. Uncle Martin?"

Then we saw grandpop's horses coming, and when you went by we hooked on, and " "'Cause we thought if you was looking for those people and found them, then we'd be there for the pink ice cream," added Richard, cheerfully, supplementing Ian's story when his breath gave out. "I suppose we must turn around and take them home," said Miss Lavinia, with a sigh. "Not a bit of it.

"I mean like yours might hev bin ef you'd bin in my grandpop's place, Red." "Oh, all right. Perceed. What nex'?" "Waal, one night jes what he'd bin a dreadin' did come ter pass. He was goin' by ther graveyard when he hearn the awfulest screech you ever hearn " "Yow-e-ow-ee-ow-ow!" Red Bill Summers started and turned pale. It was a repetition of the cry that had interrupted his song.

At such times, a fine fellow, who was still known as Bog, would look on and listen, with rapt attention, and the happiest smile on his face. Sometimes these tranquil scenes would be pleasantly broken in upon, and the meaning of the author profitably obscured, by the entrance of a certain little Helen, whom the old man would kiss, and call "Grandpop's sugarp'um," and "Sweety peety."