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I shall telegraph to Dick Graham's father that I am coming, and trust to luck when I reach St. Louis. Perhaps he can make it convenient to meet me there; if not, I have a tongue in my head and a good horse to ride, and I have no fears but that I shall get through." "Well, I'll tell you what's a fact," said Lieutenant Odell. "You can go alone for all of me.

And now, in his old age, he was waiting again for the vicarious joy of Graham's child. "But you'll not be leaving the house, sir?" "I don't know. I shall keep my rooms. But I shall probably live at the club. The young people ought to be alone, for a while. There are readjustments You never married, Buckham?" "No, Mr. Spencer. I intended to, at one time.

Graham's pleasantries and Louise's gay spirits and mirth evoked in Lee a blitheness to which he long had been a stranger and in Dave a state of joyous bliss they luxuriated in halcyon well-being. After the meal Louise, at her father's suggestion, went to the piano and sang while the men were smoking their cigars. And then followed an hour at cards, High Five, at which Mr.

It was a proof of Gladys Graham's fine and delicate nature that she had not ere this sought to probe into Liz Hepburn's secret, if she had one. 'Lizzie, she said gently, 'I hope you won't be angry at what I say; but often, looking at you, I see that you are unhappy.

He owes Blinky a note at the bank and it's coming due in a day or two and Blinky ain't going to renew, neither." "Sam seemed cheerful 'nough. Anyhow, it ain't my funeral." I have now something to think about, indeed, and am more than half inclined to stroll up to Graham's and find out what has happened, on my own account, when the voices of Hi Nutt and Watty the tailor drift up to me.

I have lived like a lord for the past two weeks;" and he shook Graham's hand so cordially as to prove his heart had sympathized with an adjacent organ that had been highly gratified. "I have missed you, Alford," was his aunt's quiet greeting, and she kissed him as if he were her son, causing a sudden pang as he remembered how soon he would bid her farewell again.

Graham's features were in a slightly larger mold; his eyes were a trifle longer, although this was lost again by a heavier droop of lids. His nose hinted that it was a shade straighter as well as larger than Dick's, and his lips were a shade thicker, a shade redder, a shade more bowed with fulsome-ness.

"Might I ask are you Mr. Graham?" "Yes, sir; that's me." The filing continued stridently. Duncan moved closer. There was scant encouragement to be gathered from Graham's indifferent attitude; yet his voice had been pleasant, kindly. "I I'm looking for employment," said Duncan hastily. "If " "Employment!" Graham dropped his tools with a clatter and faced round.

They swarmed thicker and thicker to the right, gesticulating it might be they were shouting, but of that the picture told nothing. They and the wind-wheels passed slowly and steadily across the field of the mirror. "Now," said Ostrog, "comes the Council House," and slowly a black edge crept into view and gathered Graham's attention.

The oval picture paled as Lincoln pulled the curtain aside and entered. "They are clamorous," he said. Ostrog kept his grip of Graham's arm. "We have raised the people," he said. "We have given them arms. For to-day at least their wishes must be law." Lincoln held the curtain open for Graham and Ostrog to pass through....