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Taylor since the last sitting of Parliament as would hang him, if there were nothing else, would the King do what were fit for him; but nothing of that is now likely to be. Cozen Roger and Creed to dinner with me, and very merry: but among other things they told me of the strange, bold sermon of Dr. Col. Cambridge, A.M. 1662. Ling. Graec. Prof.

But why should the manuscript have been written in Lombard characters at all? It would seem simply in order to give it an air of excessively great antiquity; but a more fatal mistake could not possibly have been made. Graec. Lib.

After the revival of learning Dioscorides continued to attract an immense amount of philological and botanical ability, and scores of editions of his works, many of them nobly illustrated, poured out of the presses of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The manuscript in question is Med. Graec. 1 at what was the Royal Library at Vienna. It is known as the Constantinopolitanus.

At S. Gregorio Illuminatore Vespers are added and said in circolo: the clergy carry tapers; and the gospel is held up by the Celebrant to implore blessings on the people. These ceremonies may appear singular to us, who are of a different clime and different customs; their music in particular is little in accordance with our taste, or notions of melody and harmony. Graec. Not.