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"It's just as well to know about these things. Grady's made him think he can make a good haul by going after me, poor fool he isn't the man that'll get it." "Can he really stop the work?" Hilda asked anxiously. "Not likely. He'll probably try to make out a case of criminal carelessness against me, and get me jerked up. He ought to have more sense, though.

Evidently Grady had felt it incumbent upon himself to make good his promise in the most liberal manner, and to display the wonders of the Great White Way from end to end the ceremony no doubt involving the introduction of the stranger to a number of typical American drinks and the result of all this was that Grady's legs wobbled perceptibly.

About four o'clock one afternoon, not many days after Grady's talk with Bannon, Peterson sat on the steps of his boarding-house, trying to make up his mind what to do, and wishing it were six o'clock.

Since the day when the cribbing came down from Ledyard, the work had gone forward with almost incredible rapidity; there had been no faltering during the weeks when Grady's threatened catastrophe was imminent, but now that the big shadow of the little delegate was dispelled, it was easier to see that the huge warehouse was almost finished.

He says, 'If you don't want your laborers to strike, you'll have to pay my price." "Not much," Pete broke in. "I'd let the elevator rot before I'd pay a cent of blackmail." They'd be glad to pay five thousand or so for protection. But they'd want protection that would protect. Grady's trying to sell us a gold brick.

Then she went to Grady's Quick Lunch Counter and ordered a sandwich and a glass of milk, which she consumed slowly, profoundly sunk in thought. Presently Eda Rawle arrived, and noticing her preoccupation, inquired what was the matter. "Nothing," said Janet.... At two o'clock, when Ditmar returned to the office, he called Miss Ottway, who presently came out to summon Janet to his presence.

"Grady," she said, and nodded. "Yes, he's been working the man. I never saw such a change in my life. He just sat up there in bed and swore at me, and said I needn't think I could buy him off with this stuff" he looked down and Hilda saw that the bowl in his hand was not empty "and raised a row generally." "Why?" she asked. "Give it up. From what he said, I'm sure Grady's behind it."

It closed with a postscript containing the disinterested suggestion that delays were dangerous, and a hint that the writer's time was valuable and he wished to be informed whether the appointment would be kept or not. Bannon ignored the note, and all day Monday expected Grady's appearance at the office.

Such a jolly menage as Strong's, with Grady's Irish stew, and the chevalier's brew of punch after dinner, would have been welcome to many a better man than Clavering, the solitude of whose great house at home frightened him, where he was attended only by the old woman who kept the house, and his valet who sneered at him. "Yes, dammit," said he, to his friends in Shepherd's Inn.

On Saturday, accordingly, they met at Grady's for lunch, Eda attired in her best blouse of pale blue, and when they emerged from the restaurant, despite the torrid heat, she beheld Faber Street as in holiday garb as they made their way to the cool recesses of Winterhalter's to complete the feast.