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He gnashed his teeth upon the word. "Stop, Mr. Switzer," said Jane, controlling her agitation and her terror. "You must not speak to me like that. You are forgetting yourself." "Forgetting myself!" he raged, his face livid blue and white. "Forgetting myself! Yes, yes! I forget everything but one thing. That I shall not forget. I shall not forget him nor how he stole her from me. Gott in Himmel!

Paul, 'As dying, and behold we live; nay, he wished not to be freed of his burden, should his God and Saviour be glorified thereby. Luther's famous hymn, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, appeared for the first time, as has been recently proved, in a little hymn-book, about the beginning of the following year. We can see in it indeed a proof how anxious was that time for Luther.

Afterwards they directed their course to come to y^e other shore, for they knew it was a necke of land they were to crosse over, and so at length gott to y^e sea-side, and marched to this supposed river, & by y^e way found a pond of clear fresh water, and shortly after a good quantitie of clear ground wher y^e Indeans had formerly set corne, and some of their graves.

His appearance was that of a native, his body being coated with red clay, and the fore part of his head shaved, while he wore the usual ornaments, a girdle, and armlets, of beads: but he was soon discovered to be a soldier of the African Corps, named Gott, who had run away four months before, taking with him his arms, accoutrements, and clothes.

"Herzbluttchen," she said, almost in a whisper, and, after a moment's pause: "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott." Erica made an impatient gesture, and turned away her head. "Why does she choose this time of all others to tell me so," she thought to herself. "Now, when I can't argue or even think! A sure tower! Could a delusion make one feel that anything is sure but death at such a time as this!

"Mein Gott! it was mutiny to flog de officer," said Jansen. "That's very true," observed another. "But Jemmy can't stand against the fat corporal and the six marines," observed Bill Spurey. "One up and t'other down, I'll take them all," observed Jemmy, expanding his chest. "Yes, but they'll all be down upon you at once, Jemmy."

The crew of the cutter, weakened as they were by the loss of most of their best men, flew to their arms; Coble, Cornelius, and Jansen, and Corporal Van Spitter were to be seen in the advance, encouraging them. "Gott for dam! let us have one slap for it," cried Jansen. "Mein Gott! yes," shouted the corporal.

The bugle sends forth its blast, loud, clear, and ringing. Off go the boys. "Mein Gott!" cries a tough old fellow from Delft. "They beat every thing, these Amsterdam youngsters. See them!" See them, indeed! They are winged Mercuries, every one of them. What mad errand are they on? Ah, I know: they are hunting Peter van Holp. He is some fleet-footed runaway from Olympus.

"Und die zwei Jungen haben sich so gern." "Has he promised her this?" said Fru Kaas, with haughty coldness. "Nein, nein, nein," was the frightened reply. They two, mother and daughter, had thought of it that day. They had read in the paper that the young Von Kas was going away. "Herr Gott in Himmel!" if her daughter could thus be rid at once of all her troubles!

Nine, mein herr." "Ach, Gott!" groaned I. "Are you sure?" "Jah! You can go home now and go to bed, sir. There will be no train until nine and I will not be on duty then. Good night!" Britton led me into the waiting-room, where I sat down and glared at him as if he were to blame for everything connected with our present plight. "I daresay we'd better be starting 'ome, sir," said he timidly.