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As the latter raised the wet, suffocating napkin that was to be placed over my face, a short, fat man in the balcony started to his feet, and broke the creepy silence with the shout: "Mein Gott in Himmel! vill dey murder her alreaty?" Some one tried to pull him down into his seat, but he struck the hand away, crying loudly, "Stob it! stob it, I say!"

Pulitzer's constant use of the exclamations "My God!" and "For God's sake!" had no relation whatever to swearing, as the term is usually understood; they were employed exactly as a French lady employs the exclamation Mon Dieu! or a German the expression Ach, du liebe Gott! As a matter of fact, although Mr.

"Traitorous villain! sell his king and his country for gold!" "Mein Gott! yes." "You're sure it was fifty guineas, corporal?" "Mein Gott! yes." "Ah, well, Mr Vanslyperken, we shall see," said the widow, drying her eyes. "Yes, yes, Mr Vanslyperken, you shall be hanged, and your cur with you, or my name's not Vandersloosh." "Mein Gott! yes," replied the corporal.

He rang the bell, a door opened, and we stepped into a paved way and then up into a small living-room, where we were received by a hearty and good-natured German woman of fifty. She threw up her hands with a surprised "ACH GOTT, HERR PROFESSOR!" and exhibited a mighty deference for my new acquaintance. By the sparkle in her eye I judged she was a good deal amused, too.

Nothing would please you but Snarleyyow dead at your porch. My dog, indeed! you may go now, corporal." "Mein Gott! but ve vill see as well as you, Mynheer Vanslyperken," muttered the corporal, as he walked forward. After dark, a man came alongside in a small boat, and desired to see Mr Vanslyperken.

Every ingot underwent the scrutiny of the little Jew, who seemed to feel an epicurean delight in touching and testing these morsels of the glorious metal; and each one of them was replaced in the box with the exclamation: 'Mein Gott, how very perfect! not one grain of alloy beautiful, beautiful!

Bruder, you say I have done you a favor." "Gott knows you haf." "I want you to do me one in return. I want you to let me be your friend," said Dennis, holding out his hand. The man trembled, hesitated; at last he said, brokenly, "I am not fit to touch your hand." "Mr. Bruder," said Dennis, gently, "I hope that I am a Christian." "Still more, den, I am unfit efer to be in your presence."

"Becky, quick rub my leg with liniment, the thick one," she whispered in Yiddish. "It's only me, Esther Ansell!" cried the visitor. "What! Esther!" cried Mrs. Belcovitch. "Gott in Himmel!" and, throwing down the comb, she fell in excess of emotion upon Esther's neck. "I have so often wanted to see you," cried the sickly-looking little woman who hadn't altered a wrinkle.

A general cheer greets the widow as she is led into the room by the corporal for she had asked many of her friends as well as the crew of the Yungfrau, and many others came who were not invited; so that the wedding day, instead of disbursement, produced one of large receipt to the happy pair. "Now then, corporal, you must open the ball with your lady," cried Bill Spurey. "Mein Gott! yes."

Gott in himmel, higher, higher!” till at length, missing the wall in an attempt to find support, the Baron dropped with a thud into a sitting posture and continued his demonstrations from the floor.