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If they want dictators, and will not obey the President, they will have to organize outside of the army. I have now a new commander for the Army of the East who seems to be doing well. I hope he may continue as he began. He won the battle of Gotlenburg and broke the rebel army to pieces. 'I think, said he, 'that Gen. Meador should have followed up his victory; but perhaps not.

The only thing that seemed to alarm them was the success of Silent at Victor's Hill and Meador at Gotlenburg. They said they had fears that these two men were their greatest enemies, and would relieve from the Union army all the officers who were not Abolitionists. They seemed to mean all who were opposed to the Administration.

The enemy had become so encouraged by his victories over our armies heretofore, that he concluded to try a second invasion of the loyal States. "The people who desired the success of the Union forces were greatly rejoiced over the victory at Gotlenburg and in the West by Gen. Silent, and by them Rosenfelt was constantly urged to do something by way of giving some activity to his army.

"The President had also in the meantime placed Gen. Meader in command of the Army of the East on account of the constant failure of other commanders during the Spring campaigns. Soon after assuming command Meador had gained a great victory over the enemy at Gotlenburg, and had driven him back across Grand River to his own ground.