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"Can you let me have a pound after breakfast, Pat? I may as well order a small chest while I am about it." The Squire looked at her with lack-luster eyes. Where had he got one pound for tea? But he said nothing. Just then the gossoon Mike was seen passing the window with the post-bag hung over his shoulder.

McCaskey was scooping turnips out of his vest with a crooked forefinger, and his lady was wiping an eye that the salt of the roast pork had not benefited. They heard the outcry below, and thrust their heads out of the window. "'Tis little Mike is lost," said Mrs. McCaskey, in a hushed voice, "the beautiful, little, trouble-making angel of a gossoon!" "The bit of a boy mislaid?" said Mr.

A brave gossoon in th' Sivinth Artill'ry did partic'larly effective wurruk, hur-rlin' a plate iv scrambled eggs acrost th' sthreet without spillin' a dhrop, an' is now thrainin' a pie like mother used to make on th' first windy iv th' sicond flure. It is reported that th' minister iv war at four o'clock to-morrow mornin' will dhrop a bundle iv copies iv Jools' paper through th' chimbley.

You're laughing at me, you bold gossoon, but I mean it. Clarence loved Paula madly, kidnapped her from a boarding-school and all that, but I don't know how much THEIR seven years together helped the world go round. He never loved me, never once said he did, but I've made him a better wife than she did. He loves Bill, now, and it's the worst thing in the world for her!"

During the interval we lie at the mercy of an informer. Your own people you know, and can trust to the last gossoon, I'm told. But the same cannot be said of this gentleman who has very fixed ideas and his servant. Our lives and the lives of others are in their hands, and it is of the last importance that they be kept secure and silent." "Ay, silent's the word," Cammock growled.

Here, on a small settle by the fireside, where he had been placed out of the way by Biddy or Katty, sat a ragged bare-legged little boy, known as Patsy, the priest's gossoon; he was the only assistant Judy had in the management of Father John's ménage.

"'Tis a long time," said the priest, as the gossoon closed the door after him, "'tis a longer time than he ought, since Sir Ulick O'Shane paid his respects here, even in the shape of a morning visit." "Morning visit!" repeated Mrs.

But if, nevertheless, he should not send it, do not rest satisfied under three fruitless attempts; let another not the same boy, as I presume his feet are weary gossoon be off at the flight of night for Baronstown, and in case of a fourth failure there, order him neither to stint nor stay till he reaches Sonna, where I hope he will at last find it.

Mighty chipper gossoon, tu. 'Teamster? sez I 'Some! sez he, as if he was a reg'lar gun at th' business 'but I'm gen'rally reckoned handier wid a foursome 'n a single team." "'Oh! sez I, 'fwhere? An' he tould me Regina. Sez I thin ''tis Skinner Adams's undershtudy ye must have bin? for he was Reg'mentil Teamster Sarjint there, an' sure fwas a great man wid a four-in-hand team."

There was a knock, and the entreating voice of Norah, the cook, outside the door. Cissy unlocked it and flung it open indignantly. "Ah! It's yourself, miss and I never knew ye kem back till I met that gossoon of a hotel waiter in the street," said the panting servant.