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No offence to your sister, Val, I'm sure Laura will look after her all right. But it is a bit awkward in a gossippy hole like Chilmark. When does the next train get in?"

The funeral itself might have sufficed to collect them with few exceptions; but now there was a more eager influence still, working upon the gossippy moods of the population. To see Margaret Cooper in her affliction to see that haughty spirit humbled and made ashamed was, we fear, a motive, in the minds of many, much stronger than the ostensible occasion might have awakened.

There would be a pretty little paragraph to get quoted in gossippy columns, even if she and her more anxious fellow-adventurer did not reach home till breakfast-time.

It is rumoured that facts of a strange and sensational character are likely to come to light at the trial, and the occasion will not be the first one on which the petitioner has figured in the same Court." She passed him the paper it was a gossippy society weekly and he read the paragraph again.

I managed to eat some of these viands between answers to their rapid-fire volley of questions and at last I made ready to go down town. "And remember," I said, as I departed, "if a lot of gossippy old hens come around here to-day or your chicken friends Winnie, don't tell them a thing.

I have given all I can for my life. Why will not people lend their money? Why will they not trust the King as well as Oliver?" It is true comedy. But the flux of Pepys's gossippy confidences is a hard ordeal even for a Minister so worthy as Southampton to pass.

"If you let us tell Mother and Father, they can give us news which will be perfectly legitimate, and Hannah and I have some calls to make. Frieda doesn't want to go, and Alice wasn't here when these girls called. They are some of the gossippy kind, and we'll let them talk and report as much as seems fair. And the Three B's meet here this week, and we can make a good society column thing of that."

"Martha used to be so curious, so gossippy, so well acquainted with all her neighbors, so anxious for their good opinion, that it strikes me as singular," said Elizabeth, "that she seems to have forgotten the whole village, and to be careless as to its verdict. Does sorrow make us indifferent, I wonder?"

"No, we don't know any more of the very gossippy kind, but we are going to a tea at Dot's, and we'll make a society note of that. How are the editorials coming?" Max made a wry face. "I declare, I'm pretty nearly stumped. At college there always seemed to be a lot of vital matters to discuss. But here there isn't anything after a little spiel on the crops and a paragraph on politics.

"When you see a man shoving a lighted pipe into sich a place." said Simes Badger to the gossippy circle at Silas Trefethen's store that night, "send in a bucket of water after him." "What for? to put out the fire, or to wash him?" asked a hearer. "Both," said Simes, "one to protect the place and the other to purify him."