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Arjona killed a bull in the same year, which tossed and ruptured him after receiving his death-blow. Pepe Illo died in harness, on the sand. Every year picadors, chulos, and such small deer are killed, without gossip. I must copy the inscription on the sword which Tato presented to Lagartijo, as a specimen of tauromachian literature:

"Sooth to say," said Clement, "by this while they may be therein; but this morn it was yet free of them; but when thou art home in our house, thy gossip shall belike tell thee much more than I can; for she is foreseeing, and hath told us much in this matter also that hath come to pass."

He went without further argument, though first he went to the Hawley Hotel with Fred close beside him as a precaution against imprudent gossip and left word in the office that he would not be able to drive Mrs. Fleetwood home, the next morning, but would be back to take her out the day after that, if she did not mind staying in town.

Henriette Borel's reception into a religious house Comte Georges Mniszech "Les Paysans" started in La Presse Madame Hanska's unreasonableness hinders Balzac's work He travels with her and her daughter, and they return with him to Passy Comtesse Anna engaged to Comte Georges Mniszech Balzac takes Madame Hanska and her daughter to Brussels He meets Madame Hanska at Baden-Baden Leaves Paris again, meets Wierzchownia party at Naples Buys bric-a-brac for future home Work neglected Dispute with Emile de Girardin Balzac's unhappiness and suspense He goes to Rome Comes back better in health and spirits "La Cousine Bette" and "Le Cousin Pons" Balzac goes to Wiesbaden Marriage of Comtesse Anna and Comte Georges Mniszech Balzac and Madame Hanska secretly engaged Parisian gossip.

In a mixed company, one day, when he became the subject of a friendly gossip, the goat praised him. "Pooh!" said the lion, "this is too absurd. The beast is a pretty beast enough, but did you hear him roar? I heard him roar, and, by the manes of my fathers, when he roars he does nothing but cry ba-a-a!" And the lion bleated his best in mockery, but bleated far from well.

I refuse to tell you any more than you have already been told about your father. I have promised that you shall go into your mother's room and take possession of it on your fifteenth birthday. That is enough. I am grieved that you should have listened to vulgar gossip about our affairs; but I may tell you that your mother left money to provide for you ten times over, if need be."

For some time the correspondents had been posting their several journals upon the alleged disreputable nature of the bill, and furnishing daily reports of the Washington gossip concerning it. So the next morning, nearly every newspaper of character in the land assailed the measure and hurled broadsides of invective at Mr. Buckstone.

Beaver to espouse an unpopular cause when there was interesting gossip to repeat. "You don't say!" exclaimed the seaman. "I do say. Hank Simpson is the only man in this town beside you who's got back-bone enough to stand by himself! He'd struck Harry last night if that Hicks hadn't held him off. I wish he had hit him hard, maybe it would have brought him to his senses."

In the first place, he knew that his lordship had for several days been suffering with the gout, and had been in so villainous a humor that rumors of it had even reached the village carried there by one of the young women servants, to her sister, who kept a little shop and retailed darning-needles and cotton and peppermints and gossip, as a means of earning an honest living. What Mrs.

I would fain have made my escape, for if my appearance was unfit for a dining-hall, it was an outrage in a lady's withdrawing-room. But Doctor Blair came forward to me and shook me warmly by the hand, and was full of gossip about Clydesdale, from which apparently he had been absent these twenty years. "My niece bade me bring you to her," he said.