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Now that the children were in the vineyard, and heard Hugh talking learnedly of Black Portugals, Verdeilho, Shirez, and other strange- sounding names, they were more reverential towards his new grape, which might be called Hughenne, or even, he generously suggested, either Gordello or Campdonne. "It has to have a winey sound, you see," he said, "or it wouldn't sell.

I think 'Gordello' sounds rather well myself." It did not take very long to satisfy their appetite for grapes. The sun got hotter, their eyes ached with the glare, and they decided to return to the coolness of the woods and gardens lower down.

"You might call at the Fairy Dell and get the Gordello," Prudence suggested for after all she and Grizzel had made the new drink in a fit of remorse "Mr. Smith will perhaps like to taste it." The family melted away, and Mamma with the two girls settled down to needlework.

She followed Prue obediently, finding her basket of grapes, plus six peaches and a large water-melon, quite enough to absorb all her energies. If only Gordello were an accomplished fact, she thought, it would be very delightful.

"I shall pull six peaches and one water-melon exactly," she said. "I am tired and my legs ache, and I can't be bothered with Hugh and his old Gordello." A short walk down the road between the gum trees brought them to the fruit gardens, where Mollie saw peaches that made up by their magnificence for any hothouse elegance lacking in the grapes.

The boys wanted to go exploring; the girls were to be left to collect peaches and melons for the new drink which might bear the honoured name of Gordello until the famous champagne was put on the market which would then be ready and cooling in the spring of the Fairy Dell by the time that the explorers were weary of exploring. Thus planned the boys.