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"You are a goot lass, my tear," said the old man, allowing himself to be made as comfortable as it was in his daughter's power to accomplish; "what you say is ferry true. The weather feels warmer, and the wind is down. Perhaps they will find us in the mornin'. Goot-night, my tear."

"Don't grieve, daddy," she said, in a low comforting tone; "perhaps it won't be as bad as it seems." "Fetch me my pipe, lass," he said on reaching his bedroom. "Goot-night to you, my tear," he added, on receiving the implement of consolation. "Won't you eat or drink something, daddy dear?" "Nothing nothing. Leave me now. We hev had a goot fight, whatever, an' it iss to bed I will be goin' now."

'I have never heard a man breathe a word till now against Miss Belmont's virtue,'cried Paul. 'Firtue? cried Darco, with a snorting laugh; 'what is firtue? Let me dell you this: Your Miss Glautia Pelmond is a volubtuous ice-woman; ant that is the most tangerous of all the taughters of the horse-leedge. Ant zo, my younk donkey, goot-night ant goot-bye.

Bopp, who glanced at the clock, stopped in the middle of a sentence, and, with a hurried "goot-night," made for the door without the least idea whither he was going.

"Goot-night, Elspie," was all the reply. Next morning McKay did not make his appearance at the usual breakfast-hour, and, on going to his room, they found him lying speechless in his bed, suffering under a stroke of paralysis.