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I intended when I bought the 'Ever Victorious' to spend this £400 in buying some fine screens, a couple of grinding pans, and some other gold-saving machinery, so that when I was not crushing stone for you men I could be running those tailings through. But we can do better now that the Chinamen are here."

F. W. Drake for the following account of sluice plates, which I have never tried, but think the device worth attention: "An addition has been made to the gold-saving appliances by the placing of what are called in America, 'sluice plates' below the ordinary table.

He threw open the door of the adjoining room with a wide gesture, his face radiant with elation. The company stared, and well it might, for at a signal a miniature placer mine started operation. The hotel porter shovelled imported sand into a sluice-box through which a stream of water ran and at the end was the gold-saving device invented by Mr. Sprudell which was to revolutionize placer-mining!

The sand contained the gold-dust that represented half of Bruce's laborious summer's working and when Sprudell finally removed his coat and cleaned up the sluice boxes and the gold-saving machine, the residue left in the gold-pan was enough to give even a "'49'er" heart failure. His triumph was complete.