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"Marthy Thomas knows more about such goin's on than me," she returned equably; "but since you ask me, I was crazy once about Jack, and another awful pretty girl had him. But that wasn't all." She slapped her knee in joyous and triumphant remembrance, and the cabin echoed with her laughter. "Ah!"

There was that beautied-up typewriter settin' in the window-sill o' Morris's butler's pantry an' if she didn't wink at me malicious, then I don't know malice when I see it. An' she used her fingers against her nose, too, most defiant and impolite. So I says to puss I says, 'Puss, I says, 'there's goin's on in that hotel, sure as fate.

He came out of the water spluttering and shaking himself. "I won't stand this! I'll have you all arrested!" he gasped. "It was an accident," came from one of the students. "It was not! It was done on purpose!" "Sure! it was done a purpose!" roared old Filbury. "I never seen such goin's on in my life!" "Never mind, you needed a bath, Filbury," shouted one student. And at this there was a laugh.

Let's get out, honey, while the goin's good. Let's take them seventy-five bucks and buy us a peanut-stand or a line of goods. Let's be regular folks, darlin'! I'm willin' to begin low down. Don't stake them last seventy-five, Blutch. Break while we're broke. It ain't human nature to break while your luck's with you." He was for folding her in his arms, but she still withheld him.

There's a gen'leman come from Waashington, an' soon as the Ranger's been found, there's been goin's on, sor, bad goin's ons, soon as th' Ranger's back, their expectin' throuble; un' m' faather's gone down for to be there, he saz." "Well?" said Wayland, as they rode on towards the Cabin. "They've been busy, Wayland! They've been busy, man! You're in the thick of it! More power t' y'r elbow!

Mrs. Sam Gilbert darkly hinted at certain "goin's on durin' his bein' away. Lit up till after midnight some nights. I c'n see her winder from mine." Rose McPhail, one of Mrs. Sanford's most devoted friends, asked quietly, "Do you sit up all night t' see?" "S'posin' I do!" she snapped. "I can't sleep with such things goin' on."

Then there was goin's to an' fro between our ships and the shore, and I heard say as that the admiral were negotiatin' wi' the Viceroy for permission for our ships to stay where they was, and refit; and at last 'twas agreed that we was to be allowed to so do, provided that we didn't interfere wi' the Spanish ships.

There was ould Mazarine, breakin' the poor child's heart, as fine a fella as iver trod the wurruld achin' for her, and his life bein' spoilt by the goin's on at Tralee. Then in steps the Chinky and with stren'th of mind and stren'th of fingers puts things right." "No, no, Patsy, you've got bad logic and worse morals in your head. As you say, things were put right, but trouble enough came of it."

So then I'm living with her for a bit; but I don't like her goin's on, and I takes the whip to her once, and she gets snake-headed to me, and takes up an axe; and then one day comes a black from this place and he says to me, he says, "Old man," he says, "Maggie and Lucy come back." So then I says to my wife, "I'm off back to the run," I says, "and it's sorry I am that ever I married you."

Labe says Hapgood told him that Percy was keepin' company now with another woman there in Scarford, a young woman with money, of course he wouldn't chase any other kind. Well, Hapgood he's a healthy specimen for my husband to be in with, he is Hapgood knows a lot about Hungerford and his goin's on in the past, and he's got a lot of the Percy man's old letters from other girls.