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Now the beast troubled those of whom I write no more; but it is easier to raise up evil than to lay it; and there are those that say that to this day a man or a woman with an evil thought in their hearts may see on a certain evening in November, at the ebb of the tide, a goatlike thing wade in the water, snuffing at the sand, as though it sought but found not. But of this I know nothing.

"You see there is a sort of goatlike animal, called the chamois, which the peasants and mountaineers are very fond of hunting.

Then from behind their curtaining rocks half a dozen dusky forms, their dirty white breechclouts streaming behind them, sprang suddenly into view and darted, with goatlike ease and agility, zigzagging up the eastward wall. It was a foolish thing to do, but Blakely followed with a wasted shot, aimed one handed from the shoulder, before he could regain command of his judgment.

On top of this poor beast was a saddle big enough for a girl of ten, and I, being eleven stone, felt ashamed to mount. However, there was nothing else to be done. We rode four miles along the road, and then crossed a river valley of the mountains. Here we descended, and had to climb a goatlike path until we came to what looked like a gash or ridge in the mountain-side, with a belt of trees.

The first half hour Irma confided in me that she had cravings. “Cravings? Cravings for what?” I asked her. “Cravings for papers.” It sounded a trifle goatlike. “Papers?” “Yes, papers. I want to read papers on the lecture platform.” Whereat I heard all Irma's spiritual longingscravings. She began in school to do papers. That was two years ago.

But this delay was most vexatious. Every moment lost to the pursuit was more than a minute gained by the pursued. Lighter by far and trained to mountain climbing, the Apache covers ground with agility almost goatlike. It was long after seven, said Stannard's watch, and not a glimpse had they caught of Indian other than their own.

Now the beast troubled those of whom I write no more; but it is easier to raise up evil than to lay it; and there are those that say that to this day a man or a woman with an evil thought in their hearts may see on a certain evening in November, at the ebb of the tide, a goatlike thing wade in the water, snuffing at the sand, as though it sought but found not. But of this I know nothing.

There were a number of the same vicious wolf-dogs which we had left worrying the dyryth, and many goatlike animals whose distended udders explained the reasons for their presence. My guard halted before one of the huts into which I was pushed; then two of the creatures squatted down before the entrance to prevent my escape, doubtless.

He was a great bear of a man, with a goatlike face, very dirty and unshaven, but splendidly dressed. There was present at that interview no one except Count Saxe, General Bibikoff, Gaston Cheverny and myself. When Bibikoff's bandage over the eyes was removed he found himself standing before Count Saxe, from whose eyes sparks seemed to be flying.

"It certainly does," snapped Ben. "Then why don't yer move away?" "Bah! You're an old goat." "Thanks fer ther compliment, although yer don't mean it thet away. But when yer likens me ter a goat yer do me proud. If yer were more goatlike yerself ye'd be a heap more wiser." "I'm glad you like it. The pleasure's all yours. But if a fellow called me a goat, I know what I'd do." "Maybe, perhaps.