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And first there is the inspection in the barrack square, and it is difficult to recognise in these khaki-clad warriors the men we had known in the barrack room or 'Home. And then there is the farewell in the evening, and the 'glory-room' or other devotional room is full of those ordered South, and there is the hearty hand-shake and the whispered 'God bless you, and then all join in the soldiers' good-night song his watchword all the world over, hymn 494 in Sankey's collection,

Let us rather pass into the 'glory-room' of the Soldiers' Home at the close of the evening Service. There is never a Sunday night without conversions. And they call it the glory-room because 'Heaven comes down their souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy-seat.

'souls to meet And glory crowns the mercy-seat. This is no fanciful picture. It is an every night occurrence. The old times of the evangelical revival are lived over again in that 'glory-room, and hundreds are started upon a new and higher life.

We will not linger either at the Hospital Service or the Sacred Song Service in the afternoon, or at the Soldiers' Tea, or even at the Voluntary Service at night, which, with its hundreds of soldier attendants, is a testimony to the spiritual value of the work. =The 'Glory-Room' of the Soldiers' Home.=

He cannot pass the doctors, and has to return home; but he tells the lads how he went through the Chitral campaign, and how hard he found it to be a Christian all alone. 'It is all right here in the glory-room, says he; 'it is all right when the glory-room is not far away, and we can get to it.